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Informacje prasowe - The Problem is 2 folded

The Problem is 2 folded

Thanx Adamski, this was almost the 2nd article i was about to write last nite :), let me add a little on why also there is more problems with this.
A void or vaccum has been created with the removal of series (Too many removed) for drivers 21-23 yrs old after leaving the 0,8 rating series one could as 22yrs get into a higher series ranked abt 10th. This season 27 that number was now about 16th which means and shows evidently that ratingwise the 22-23yrs increase is generally a lot less than it used to be thus loosing out on sponsor money, Gamewise this is not good, In my mind there is about 3 series missing of 30 ppl/series with a rating of 1,25-1,3. To make this even worse as Adamski pointed out 30+yrs drivers that cannot hack it in the higher series infest the F3 series..... in real life there are no 30 and 30+yrs drivers in F3 series so its pretty simple i think bring back 1-2 F2 series at 1,25-1,3 rating ban all 30yrs and over from F3 series.

2018-05-07 01:20:20 przez HåkanFerm
Lubią: 1 | Ocena: 1.90
To jest odpowiedź na powyższe ogłoszenie:

Series Restrictions...

2018-05-06 10:59:30 przez Adamski - Lubią: 11 | Wynik: 20.426

Firstly I'd like to say, I really like this game! I've been here since the BETA season in 2011 (now I feel old...) And frankly, the Devs have done a great job with additions and progression, while still running their day to day commitments! It's a so...

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