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Informacje prasowe - Why Ducati and Honda is useless in Moto Open!

Why Ducati and Honda is useless in Moto Open!

In this headline you could add "and should be rectified"

What am i talking abt?, Is not Honda or Ducatis good?
Not according to their attributes compared to their competitors, they are even so bad they loose on every attribute
and that is the reason no one with the right mind in use should choose them. Have a look at this:

we can divide the tracks in to 3 different kinds Low speed medium and high speed tracks and then look at the bikes to compare them.

The High speed powerfull bikes, Speed,Acceleration,braking,Handling
Aprilia 570,547,484,481
Suzuki 550,530,517,507
Ducati 550,518,485,456

I hope you all clearly can see Ducati i behind in every value compared to the other 2 powerbikes
(1 more in braking than Aprilia is not enough to choose it)
so when choosing a bike for a high speed track today there are no reason to choose a ducati is there? - NO! ;)

in Medium or most usuall tracks in MRC if we look at overall,allround good bikes there are 2 to choose from
KTM 525,527,532,551
Honda 520,504,523,504
here again we see a bike (Honda) that is behind the KTM in every single attribute -
are there any good reasons to choose Honda? - OFC NOT! ;)

Hopefully MRC´s good crew will rectify(change) these attributes soon
like for instance if Ducati would change speed and acc with Aprilia that would mean that the Ducati
would have better acceleration and speed than Aprilia but worse handling and breaking which would be quite
right if you want some reality into it aswell if we believe these are MotoGP based.

2018-05-06 02:12:02 przez HåkanFerm
Lubią: 2 | Ocena: 3.67
Odpowiedzi na ten artykuł

Check it again!

2018-05-14 11:09:43 przez Darac - Lubią: 3 | Wynik: 5.756

Hi! Here's something from my side. Check motorcycles again! Did you notice there's an option to choose other, STRONGER, engines for Ducati, Honda and Yamaha?? :) I guess you didn't :) Check these engines and compare once again...

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