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Informacje prasowe - The Achievement is Improved

The Achievement is Improved

July on the 19th racing season Raffa Putra started to show prominent improved. As many as six riders from Indonesia could finish the race in the top 20.

Achievement is to be even better than the last three races in which drivers with an aggressive character can finish in the top ten positions.

"The racing season 19th, frankly, I started with a condition that is not easy, the competition this season is much more stringent than the season before. I have to compete with racers who have experience as well as rank much higher than me, "said Raffa.

"There is no test session, qualifying, and racing that I can go through easily, the competitors had a high-level strategy as well as a very competitive team" said Raffa.

Better graphics than Raffa is expected to continue until the end of the 19th race of the season. Moreover, his support team has also undergone some changes. Sign There are a number of new engineers who have the ability better than ever.

"Thanks to the support of a team that is more solid, and also appreciation to the sponsors who have supported my progress so far," Raffa Putra proud.

Armed with driving skills are getting better and more solid team support is expected to be able to support higher achievement for Raffa Putra.

2016-07-27 11:57:41 przez KasetEksotika
Lubią: 2 | Ocena: 3.20

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