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Informacje prasowe - Disappointment after Striver's retirement

Disappointment after Striver's retirement

The rumours that Striver has been considering retirement have been around for a while, but it was still I shock for me when I read the news this morning.

The day after the Nations Cup series had been announced, this is a big blow to the UK team. I hoped that Striver would be excited about a chance to be an important player in this competition and wait until the first nations cup was over for him to take his deserved retirement. But this was not to be. I wish Noah Vale the best of luck for the future and hope he will be able to be as good as Striver was.

I would also like to echo Bennett's call to UK drivers. The more players who request that their country should have a national association the better. We may not be the strongest nation now, but we can be in the future.

2015-03-10 11:29:43 przez RH0258
Lubią: 4 | Ocena: 7.08
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2015-03-10 08:30:59 przez Adamski - Lubią: 6 | Wynik: 10.712

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