Informacje prasowe - danger
He should worried! :S
2014-11-25 12:11:26 przez ImJustDrunk
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Lyn not worried after engine failure
2014-11-24 23:06:30 przez Azureika
Lubią: 10
Wynik: 15.958
Everyone gasped in shock as Lyn Vos's car caught fire in her qualifying session in Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry. But after the Dutch driver was dragged from her burning car, she seemed surprisingly chipper. “I'm perfectly fine. The fire was in the...
Odpowiedzi na ten artykuł
Lyn: Nothing to worry about
2014-11-25 17:18:13 przez Azureika
Lubią: 7
Wynik: 9.774
We met Lyn as she was about to drive her Formula 3 car along a tight rope attached between two 50 story skyscrapers. As a stunt crew started to pour oil over the outside of her car she took a moment to speak to our reporters. "I appreciate a ...