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Informacje prasowe - What is left by on fight for updated!

What is left by on fight for updated!

With Acarini tying up the drivers championship today what do we have left to fight for?

In Team championship – only 86 points available now over the last two races..
Red Bull are pulling away in 2nd place with the gap growing to 23, Ferrari need some misfortune to befall their opponents now if they are to regain the position.
The gap between the teams fighting for 4th has also grown to 12points, but that's not all, Francis win has launched the Mercedes passed Jordan and now IRA Jordan who has to play catchup.
6th is also hotly contended and WAR are still bringing upgrades to races to try and keep ahead of McLaren who are only 1 point behind...

In the drivers championship – Acarini didn't get his 5th place in the USA, but Grandi beating Botta to the win means there aren't enough points left for anyone to catch him now so Acarini wins!

Further down the drivers table remains relatively unchanged with Botta fighting PSG for 2nd,
Grandi's win has pulled him away from D.Dan making 4th look more secure. Macanga and Libor continue to argue over 6th place, but are now just two points apart!

Only two races to go and still excitement is everywhere (even without double points)

2014-07-25 00:39:21 przez thedonz
Lubią: 4 | Ocena: 6.13
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Whats left to fight for?

2014-07-21 12:27:42 przez thedonz - Lubią: 17 | Wynik: 23.932

With OMR sealing the deal on the Team Championship last week whats left to fight for in the final three races of MRC-F1? In Team championship – a total of 129 points are available, although OMR are in a nasty habit of getting a 1-2 finish…. 2nd p...

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