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We are proud to announce that we will have the 1st design competition for the fans of Lotus F1 Team. In this competition, we will choose the new team layout for next seasons, starting from S52 and going during the next engine cycle, for at least 7 seasons (until we decide to change again).

In order to compete, the managers needs to be Lotus fans and send their layout providing the following paintings (related with the real Lotus team):

1) A F1 car based on the following template: https://www.myracingcareer.com/images/cars/f1/f1_4352_template.png

2) New layouts for helmet and overalls.

3) New team logo on 205x130px format.

The submissions are valid until April 2nd, the last day of the current season. The paintings need to be send to me for DM. Each person is allowed to send multiple submissions.

The managers of Team Lotus will choose the winner during season 51, with the possibility of make a pool to decide in the case we have 2 or 3 paintings we like.

EXTRA: After the decision, we will like that the winner make some adaptations of the painting for other cars (F4, F3, NASC, etc) for the fans.

REWARD: Besides get his painting on Lotus Team, the winner will receive 150 coins from Lotus Managers.

2023-02-13 05:39:49 przez GustavoMuller
Lubią: 7 | Ocena: 10.71

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