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Informacje prasowe - American SBK the hot finish!

American SBK the hot finish!

There are only 10 races left and many decisions seem to have been made. But nothing is in the towel yet. Here is my assessment of the top 10 in reverse order.

10. D.Hoover (USA) 125pts
Declined after a good 4th place at the start of the season. 2 more Top5 results, but too unstable. See him maximum on P9 in the final statement.
09. R.Flock (USA) 132pts
Significantly more consistent than Hoover. Increase after a rather moderate start to the season. But also a maximum of P9.
08. D Kenny Jr (USA) 172pts
Already has a good cushion to the rear, and P5 within reach too. Very consistent in the top 10. But I would say P8 will probably remain.
07.M.Biela (GER) 182pts
After a really difficult start to the season, a regular guest in the top 5. If he can keep the pace my favorite on P5.
06. J. Klemmhuber (AUT) 182pts
Surprise winner of the first run, and really fast too. If she gets her failure rate under control, something can happen. But I think there will be a duel with Nygaard for P6.
05. T Nygaard (GER) 189pts
Great start with 2 podiums, then the roller coaster. Bring everything for a future champion. He is young and talented. But as already mentioned probably a maximum of P6.
04. A.González (ESP) 207pts
What he lacks in speed he makes up for in consistency. Regular in the Top10. Even if it won't be enough for a podium, and nothing is certain from the back, I'm sure that he will hold P4.
03. D Ochoa (ARG) 301pts
Only theoretical chances for the title. Far too unreliable, which can be seen from the number of DNF. Sure P3.
02. Y.Carapatelo (POR) 399pts
Probably the greatest motorcycle talent at the moment. Really fast and reliable. Only the finishing touches are missing. Also safe on P2.
01. T.Lang (GER) 495pts
What can I say if he and the technique work, he has no opponent in this championship. 19 wins and all 23 poles speak for themselves. Everything would have to go wrong for him not to win the title.

2022-05-02 17:58:50 przez SvenHegenberg
Lubią: 4 | Ocena: 7.20

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