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Nasc Truck Series

Heading out of season 39 and into season 40, Ema Dillinger brings in high hopes into this season with her newly founded teammate Alex Kiester. Ema is exstatic to get this season underway, and thrilled for another season of vigorous racing. Ema is excited mainly for Michigan. That was her best track last season scoring a spectacular 4th place finish. And of those three drivers to beat her being Brian Hicks, Snicker Doodle, and Sleepy Tripp, none of those drivers remain in this series. So the doors open up for Ema to get her first major win. We will have more when the first qualifying is under way folks.

2020-12-08 16:16:02 przez NightSlasher
Lubią: 8 | Ocena: 11.38

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