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English Dobson makes Debut tommorow Tomorrow 18 year old James Dobson makes his racing debut in F3 at Donnington park. The Youngsters qualifying went horribly wrong with him lining up 30th on the Grid for tomorrow. " It was not my best session" said Dobspn who had just climbe...
em 2014-12-29 13:17:34 por Dobbi - Curtidas: 2 | Pontuação no Rank: 2.80)
English The Rose Tinted Glasses Zone Season 11 has had it's ups and downs for every driver, and here we are celebrating those ups. Whether it was your first career win, podium, or a fantastic race overall, I'll be accepting links to the top 5 races that you believe were the most memorab...
em 2014-12-29 01:51:24 por LittleMLO - Curtidas: 3 | Pontuação no Rank: 5.11)
English Empty Seat at HamrHedZ ?? Empty Seat at HamrHedZ ?? Natalie Pinkham Sky Sports F1's First Lady of the pitlane gave us this transcript of the interview she will present on SkyTv about the recent rumours of an empty seat at HamrHedZ F1 team. NP: Is it t...
em 2014-12-28 14:23:53 por ArkAngel - Curtidas: 13 | Pontuação no Rank: 20.30)
English Best of the rest Earlier today the 14th race of the Indy Junior International series was run. And as the race finished, it was Saler who finished first and scored another victory. With this win Saler has won the series with two races still to go. Behind Saler it was ...
em 2014-12-28 01:34:43 por Azureika - Curtidas: 11 | Pontuação no Rank: 18.74)
Magyar Egy vergődő újonc James Conor Benevezett a Czechoslovakian Cup LIX versenysorosatra. 1. időmérő eléggé rosszul sikerült 29 helyről indulhatott. A versenyen sem volt nagyobb szerencséje habár az 1. körben 9 helyet javított ez sem volt elég a ponszerzéshez mert az egy...
em 2014-12-27 23:55:10 por sumi99 - Curtidas: 0 | Pontuação no Rank: 0.00)
Français Bravo pour le titre ! Quelle super année pour RBV Team ! Félicitations encore pour cette belle saison et rdv l'année prochaine sur la même marche !
em 2014-12-27 16:57:09 por Krinkle - Curtidas: 5 | Pontuação no Rank: 7.83)
English Making a return After a year away from his passion, Lucas Rautner looks to make a return to the track with the race today at Phillip Island in Australia, the country where he began his career. It should be an exciting couple days for him as he gets behind the wheel ...
em 2014-12-27 14:50:10 por DrSpreadle - Curtidas: 3 | Pontuação no Rank: 5.02)
Français Filière RED BULL VAILLANTE F1 : Romain Louis Grosjean Jr à nouveau Champion de F2 NA Entretien avec Romain Louis Grosjean Jr, nouveau Champion de F2 NA. AFP : Alors Romain heureux après ce nouveau titre en F2. RLG Jr : Très heureux ! Ce deuxième titre me fait autant plaisir que le premier. AFP : La concurrence a-t-elle été p...
em 2014-12-27 12:15:51 por SatF1 - Curtidas: 9 | Pontuação no Rank: 14.88)
Italiano Esordio per R. Bomber Oggi alle 12.00 ora italiana esordirà in formula 3 sulla pista di Phakisa Freeway in Sud Africa, un pilota dalle enormi potenzialità, ovvero R. Bomber. Che sia l'inizio di una splendida carriera?
em 2014-12-27 10:03:28 por RobertoRamazio - Curtidas: 1 | Pontuação no Rank: 1.89)
Français Red Bull Vaillante F1 : La Puissance de l'Organisation ! Une fois n'est pas coutume, notre envoyé spécial Lionel Froussard s'est rendu à Austin comme invité du Team Red Bull Vaillante F1. A la fin de la course, on pouvait se demander qui avait gagné entre Philippe de Saint Germain ou Antoine Poucette ! Que...
em 2014-12-26 08:38:44 por Promocourse - Curtidas: 13 | Pontuação no Rank: 21.35)
English Trio Photo Finish In what would surely be hailed as one of MRC'S most spectacular races. Interlagos, Brazil played host to an all out MOTO brawl this afternoon as the motor sport world was given a show of what the latest addition to MRC'S automotive plethora could do....
em 2014-12-25 21:26:15 por Adamski - Curtidas: 7 | Pontuação no Rank: 12.14)
Français Entretien avc Willy Jordan, Team Manager de Red Bull Vaillante F1 Nous venons de rencontrer Willy Jordan, heureux Team manager de l'équipe Red Bull Vaillante F1 qui vient de remporter sa sixième course de la saison. MRC : Alors Willy heureux après cette nouvelle belle victoire de Philippe de Saint-Germain Jr ? ...
em 2014-12-25 21:12:06 por JordanF1 - Curtidas: 8 | Pontuação no Rank: 13.41)
English Long over due maiden win Herbert wins his 1st race in an epic last lap tussle in Brazil.
em 2014-12-25 20:55:38 por ashfairfax - Curtidas: 4 | Pontuação no Rank: 6.12)
Српски PRIBLIZAVA SE SEZONA #12 Pozdrav ljudi! Sezona 11 je skoro gotova. Uskoro sledi mala pauza sto se tice trkanja u sezonskoj seriji. Pauza je naravo prilika da trenirate svog vozaca za narednu sezonu. Zelim Vam puno serce u narednoj sezoni i naravno ono sto je najvaznije da...
em 2014-12-25 16:35:57 por FERNANDOf1ALONSO - Curtidas: 5 | Pontuação no Rank: 6.50)
Српски srbija miseluk i nadak
em 2014-12-25 16:24:44 por igorveseli123 - Curtidas: 2 | Pontuação no Rank: 1.92)
1 ... 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 ... 850