Boletins de Imprensa
A truly MRC legend!
It's difficult to express the gratitude that all of us in the portuguese community owns to blazefp! A truly remarkable gentleman that guided many of us in the ins and outs of MRC world!
He'll be gone for now and but he most certainly will not be f...
em 2017-02-20 05:24:25 por ClaudioMonteiro
Curtidas: 5
Pontuação no Rank: 8.75)
No, please, no...
Well, another grandfather has left the game, we will miss you!
But that happens to any of us someday...
Good luck in RL!
em 2017-02-19 19:01:52 por Somebodystopme
Curtidas: 8
Pontuação no Rank: 14.54)
,,The Best Czech Juniors Magazine" se vrací! Rozhovor s manažerem Ludwei!
Zdarec! Po dlouhé době jsem se vrátil k hraní tak je tady i nové číslo mého magazínu. Doufám, že se vám bude líbit.
Ahoj mohl bys se nám představit?
Ahoj! Tak jmenuji se Luděk Valenta a jsem z malého městečka na jižní Moravě, které se jmenuje...
em 2017-02-19 18:20:51 por tom8802
Curtidas: 6
Pontuação no Rank: 9.99)
Good-bye to a true great.
You had a great career here blazefp, your kind are a dying breed in the world! I'm extremely sad to see a manager of your quality leave the game but your teachings will carry on in Portugal and in others as well. I hope you find some of that recognit...
em 2017-02-19 14:32:37 por Deuce
Curtidas: 7
Pontuação no Rank: 12.52)
Andreas ide ochutnať okruhy F1...a iné lahôdky
Andreas Dovalinský sa nakoniec rozhodol opustiť F2 Europe, ale neodišiel ďaleko - len sa odklonil do Ázie. Poďme sa teda pozrieť na okruhy, ktoré ho čakajú.
Prvým pretekom bude okruh v Saudskej Arábii.
1. Reem International Circuit
em 2017-02-19 14:11:32 por olilongi777
Curtidas: 1
Pontuação no Rank: 1.81)
Pregled sezone 21
V kratkem pregledu sezone si lahko pogledate, kako uspešni so bili slovenski dirkači. Omeniti velja še to, da si je Milan Zakrajšek s predstavami v tej sezoni, kot prvi Slovenec priboril sodelovanje v Trofeji prvakov.
Deutsche Tourenwagen Series
em 2017-02-19 11:19:37 por torbar4life
Curtidas: 5
Pontuação no Rank: 8.67)
The MRC Landscape
Firstly. BlazeFP. A chap I have known for a long long time in this game and collaborated with on a few occasions, namely the founding of Windsor Alliance Racing in F1. Sad to see you go pal, but you sound like you have your reasons in check!
I've ...
em 2017-02-19 10:40:40 por Adamski
Curtidas: 14
Pontuação no Rank: 25.01)
Blaze recruited me into MRC and I'm sad to see him go.
He has been around for a long long time and will be missed by not just the Portuguese community but by the whole MRC Family.
As I balance on a knife edge as to whether I will or won't conti...
em 2017-02-19 08:54:08 por thedonz
Curtidas: 9
Pontuação no Rank: 16.69)
"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes" - Blazefp retires
Some of you might have seen this one coming but for most of you might this might come as a bit of a shock.
I've played MRC for a very long time, been here since this was just beta and the official series weren't released yet. At that time reaching...
em 2017-02-19 02:46:26 por blazefp
Curtidas: 31
Pontuação no Rank: 54.31)
Ako dopadla prvá sezóna mladej slovenskej jazdkyne Terézie Petrovej ?
Je za nami celá sezóna a náš jazdec, Terézia Petrová, je o rok starší. A tak je tu čas pozrieť sa čo sme všetko spoločnými silami dosiahli. Naše pôsobenie by som rozdelil do niekoľkých oblastí.
Ako úplný nováčik sme sa rozhodli riskovať a tak za sez...
em 2017-02-19 00:11:54 por greywolff
Curtidas: 3
Pontuação no Rank: 5.61)
UK Grand Champion / End of Era
In one of the most diplomatic, all-inclusive and ambitious Private Series' ever staged. The season-long, 20 round "UK World Championship" has come to a close, and with it, an undeniable champion is crowned... But not in as dominant a fashio...
em 2017-02-18 23:45:05 por Adamski
Curtidas: 6
Pontuação no Rank: 10.98)
Che devo sfidarti in qualche serie stagionale :-D
Dammi il tempo di due stagioni e ci scontreremo... e perchè no anche in F1 se saremo in grado di arrivarci!!
em 2017-02-18 18:36:17 por CarmineLuce
Curtidas: 0
Pontuação no Rank: 0.00)
A1GP rozbor - suma sumárum sezóny 21
Ešte pred začiatkom, ak ste ešte nezahlasovali za jedného kandidáta vo voľbách, okamžite tak urobte na - http://www.myracingc... - a môžeme ísť na to.
A už je to tu, koniec sezóny. Konečne....Táto sezóna bola katastrofálna, ale čo sa dá robiť....
em 2017-02-18 11:47:45 por olilongi777
Curtidas: 3
Pontuação no Rank: 5.48)
Nova cara do campeonato brasileiro de motos
O Super Bike Brasil Series( SBBS) agora chega a um novo patamar em sua terceira edição adotando a consagrada nomenclatura Amigos Runners e na temporada 22 terá como designação, Amigos Runners Motorbikes III (ARM III).
Para participar do campeonato...
em 2017-02-18 00:17:22 por AlexandreLietz
Curtidas: 13
Pontuação no Rank: 17.87)
Tutto pronto per la nuova stagione
Daniele De Angelis si prepara per la nuova sfida che, in accordo con il manager Dorian Darkfire, ha deciso di affrontare.
Sarà, infatti, impegnato nel prestigioso campionato di F2 Europea.
"Sono qui per fare esperienza in questa nuova formul...
em 2017-02-17 19:55:45 por DorianDarkfire
Curtidas: 3
Pontuação no Rank: 5.19)