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fireworks in France

An engine failure during qualifying left Lyn 33rd on the starting grid for today's race. After four top 10 finishes and two DNF's behind her name, everyone expected fireworks from Lyn in the Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry speed ring. Either she was going to succeed in fighting her way up the field, or crash her car in the process.

In the end she succeeded in her quest to fight her way up, performing 24 clean over takes and moving up 27 places all the way up to p 6. While Lyn provided the fans with an exciting spectacle, it was Saler Sigername who won the race. This victory could be key to Saler's bid for the championship.

After the race we found Lyn celebrating her result with her pit crew.

“I really enjoyed that race. In the first half of the race I was constantly fighting for positions. What a rush! I also proud of what I did out there. I didn't make any major mistakes while working my way up the field. I collided with Andres in lap 10, but it was a minor impact. There wasn't really anything either of us could have done to avoid it.”

We also asked Lyn what we could expect from her going forward.

“Well.... truth be told. I'm content with how things are. I'm ninth now in the driver championship. And everyone in front of me is strong.”

em 2014-11-26 20:50:42 por Azureika
Curtidas: 7 | Pontuação no Rank: 11.72

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