Sok helyen megfordultunk - Rayzor Blog #6
Tavaly október óta sok víz folyt le a Dunán, amikor legutóbb jelentkeztem a személyes blogommal. Lássuk, hogyan telt az elmúlt 8 hónap!
44. szezon
Balázs Zoltán egy olyan területen próbálhatta ki magát, amelyre már a Forma-4-es időszakban vágyott...
on 2022-06-08 15:14:39 by rayzor06
Liker: 1
Vurdering: 1.92)
¿Útil para jóvenes? Errores que cometí
Ahora que Secundino ha alcanzado esa esa edad en que deja de entrenar, voy a hacer un repaso de fallos en su desarrollo y en su carrera que han impedido que sea mejor piloto. Que no se apene, estoy contento con él pero podría haber sido mejor.
on 2022-06-06 19:22:28 by radekdeboktor
Liker: 8
Vurdering: 14.99)
Esordio col botto
L'esordio in F3 di Enrico De Angeliis è stato veramente col botto, anzi con i botti, quelli dei 2 motori esplosi nelle 2 gare di questo primo appuntamento stagionale.
E pensare che l'inizio non era sembrato nemmeno male, terzo tempo in griglia, a lu...
on 2022-06-06 02:06:44 by DorianDarkfire
Liker: 9
Vurdering: 11.31)
"I thought I was done with school!"
Craig Gardner heads towards his classroom desk for the 13th day in a row, and breathes a heavy sigh of anguish. "Is this really necessary?" he thinks to himself, as he prepares to be taught once again that 2 x 2 is 4 and that every action ...
on 2022-06-04 12:40:20 by Ohayoghurt
Liker: 11
Vurdering: 20.43)
2 time winner
Just got my 2nd win all time. I had my 1st yesterday I'm so happy
on 2022-06-03 14:43:36 by AustinMoody
Liker: 1
Vurdering: 1.72)
New Talent Quickly on the Rise
K. Potter, driver of a CHV Camaro, graduated from the Rookie Series and has began a career in season 47 in the NASC Mexico Series!
on 2022-06-03 03:29:19 by kpotter
Liker: 1
Vurdering: 1.96)
Voting Points per Ferrari
Ragazzi è iniziata una nuova importante stagione, La Ferrari per continuare il suo dominio in F1 ha bisogno di voi, fan e azionisti (come me). Iniziate a donare i vostri voting points al team. Donare i voting points è semplice e senza costi: basta an...
on 2022-05-31 18:28:54 by garaxino
Liker: 4
Vurdering: 4.53)
Povratak "otpisanih"
Nakon skoro 4 godine odsustva, u Hrvatski Motosport Savez vraća se menadžer "inferno" odmoran i spreman za nove pothvate. Starim i novim licima u HMS-u želi sreću u novoj 47. sezoni.
on 2022-05-31 14:52:42 by inferno
Liker: 3
Vurdering: 2.13)
Nico Bigelow Linked to Formula 3?
As a 25-year-old, Nico Bigelow is older than most of his peers in the Rookie Series. Last season saw the American take 3 wins and 11 podiums out of 20 races and this season is showing some of the same consistency. 1 win and 3 top fives out of five ra...
on 2022-05-30 21:21:15 by IAmAStove
Liker: 2
Vurdering: 3.87)
The Rally Scene - Season 46 (Sort of...)
So, straight up, I don't really have the time to invest in the rally series breakdown reports these days, especially now that there is an additional series to cover. But I absolutely cannot pass up the opportunity to congratulate Andito and Visvaldis...
on 2022-05-30 12:22:28 by Adamski
Liker: 8
Vurdering: 14.42)
Szeretném külön is megköszönni a beszámolókat, személy szerint igencsak hiányozni fognak... Külön örülök, hogy írói munkásságod egybe esett pilótám motoros pályafutásának fénykorával... :)
on 2022-05-29 07:09:03 by Verdike
Liker: 1
Vurdering: 1.91)
Franks erster Presseauftritt
Reporter: Heute habe ich den Fahrer Frank Wendler vor mir stehn, Herr Wendlder sie dieses Jahr eine NASC-Meisterschaft gefahren
Frank Wendler: Ja das war ne ganz neue Erfahrung.
Reporter: Wie kammen sie mit dem Auto zurecht.
Frank Wendler: ich muß...
on 2022-05-28 17:24:51 by AndréKoitsch
Liker: 5
Vurdering: 9.18)
Een seizoen F1
Raymond van de Pol heeft zijn eerste seizoen in de F1 er op zitten. Dit is voorlopig ook zijn laatste seizoen. Volgend seizoen gaat hij namelijk terug naar de Moto1.
Maar wat voor seizoen was het. Als je naar de ranglijst kijkt staat hij op p23. v...
on 2022-05-27 21:12:22 by Pollie
Liker: 4
Vurdering: 6.74)
Dopo un grande avvio di stagione, dopo aver passato l'intero campionato in vetta alla classifica del campionato Indy, dopo aver dominato vincendo e stravincendo il maggior numero di gare rispetto ai contendendi, Enzo Jr. Maffo conclude come 2°, sorpa...
on 2022-05-26 19:12:31 by AlessioAlek
Liker: 7
Vurdering: 13.31)
Entrevistando: parte IV (ASDRUBAL PINTO)
Nessa quarta parte do entrevistando, vamos conversar com o piloto ASDRUBAL PINTO.
O piloto e sua assessoria nos recebeu gentilmente em seu escritório.
Olá Pinto! Vamos iniciar pedindo que você fale um pouco de você! Quem é o Pinto?
- Aliás a min...
on 2022-05-25 16:11:24 by And75Verdin
Liker: 7
Vurdering: 12.71)