Volta de Jorge Perles Jr i inici de la temporada 47
Després d'una pausa per motius de falta de temps he aconseguit alliberar-me una mica i tornar al joc. Hui faré un breu repàs de la meua volta.
Després de tres temporades a la Indy Sèries he decidit fer un canvi de sèries, malgrat no eixir dels est...
on 2022-06-09 18:35:14 by jperles
Liker: 5
Vurdering: 9.50)
Temporada 47 para Port
Estamos dando ya los primeros pasos en la temporada 47 y nos ponemos en contacto con Port para que nos explique sus sensaciones y cómo está viviendo este inicio de temporada.
Le preguntamos primeramente sobre los cambios que se han producido. Nos ...
on 2022-06-09 09:34:21 by Miki1972
Liker: 7
Vurdering: 13.23)
Temporada 47 per a Port
Estem començant a fer els primers passos de la temporada 47 i ens posem en contacte amb Port per a que ens expliqui com està vivint aquest inici de temporada.
Comencem preguntant al respecte dels canvis que s’han produït. Port, ens contesta que de...
on 2022-06-09 09:31:40 by Miki1972
Liker: 4
Vurdering: 7.63)
Sok helyen megfordultunk - Rayzor Blog #6
Tavaly október óta sok víz folyt le a Dunán, amikor legutóbb jelentkeztem a személyes blogommal. Lássuk, hogyan telt az elmúlt 8 hónap!
44. szezon
Balázs Zoltán egy olyan területen próbálhatta ki magát, amelyre már a Forma-4-es időszakban vágyott...
on 2022-06-08 15:14:39 by rayzor06
Liker: 1
Vurdering: 1.92)
¿Útil para jóvenes? Errores que cometí
Ahora que Secundino ha alcanzado esa esa edad en que deja de entrenar, voy a hacer un repaso de fallos en su desarrollo y en su carrera que han impedido que sea mejor piloto. Que no se apene, estoy contento con él pero podría haber sido mejor.
on 2022-06-06 19:22:28 by radekdeboktor
Liker: 8
Vurdering: 14.99)
Esordio col botto
L'esordio in F3 di Enrico De Angeliis è stato veramente col botto, anzi con i botti, quelli dei 2 motori esplosi nelle 2 gare di questo primo appuntamento stagionale.
E pensare che l'inizio non era sembrato nemmeno male, terzo tempo in griglia, a lu...
on 2022-06-06 02:06:44 by DorianDarkfire
Liker: 9
Vurdering: 11.31)
"I thought I was done with school!"
Craig Gardner heads towards his classroom desk for the 13th day in a row, and breathes a heavy sigh of anguish. "Is this really necessary?" he thinks to himself, as he prepares to be taught once again that 2 x 2 is 4 and that every action ...
on 2022-06-04 12:40:20 by Ohayoghurt
Liker: 11
Vurdering: 20.43)
2 time winner
Just got my 2nd win all time. I had my 1st yesterday I'm so happy
on 2022-06-03 14:43:36 by AustinMoody
Liker: 1
Vurdering: 1.72)
New Talent Quickly on the Rise
K. Potter, driver of a CHV Camaro, graduated from the Rookie Series and has began a career in season 47 in the NASC Mexico Series!
on 2022-06-03 03:29:19 by kpotter
Liker: 1
Vurdering: 1.96)
Voting Points per Ferrari
Ragazzi è iniziata una nuova importante stagione, La Ferrari per continuare il suo dominio in F1 ha bisogno di voi, fan e azionisti (come me). Iniziate a donare i vostri voting points al team. Donare i voting points è semplice e senza costi: basta an...
on 2022-05-31 18:28:54 by garaxino
Liker: 3
Vurdering: 4.53)
Povratak "otpisanih"
Nakon skoro 4 godine odsustva, u Hrvatski Motosport Savez vraća se menadžer "inferno" odmoran i spreman za nove pothvate. Starim i novim licima u HMS-u želi sreću u novoj 47. sezoni.
on 2022-05-31 14:52:42 by inferno
Liker: 3
Vurdering: 2.13)
Nico Bigelow Linked to Formula 3?
As a 25-year-old, Nico Bigelow is older than most of his peers in the Rookie Series. Last season saw the American take 3 wins and 11 podiums out of 20 races and this season is showing some of the same consistency. 1 win and 3 top fives out of five ra...
on 2022-05-30 21:21:15 by IAmAStove
Liker: 2
Vurdering: 3.87)
The Rally Scene - Season 46 (Sort of...)
So, straight up, I don't really have the time to invest in the rally series breakdown reports these days, especially now that there is an additional series to cover. But I absolutely cannot pass up the opportunity to congratulate Andito and Visvaldis...
on 2022-05-30 12:22:28 by Adamski
Liker: 8
Vurdering: 14.42)
Szeretném külön is megköszönni a beszámolókat, személy szerint igencsak hiányozni fognak... Külön örülök, hogy írói munkásságod egybe esett pilótám motoros pályafutásának fénykorával... :)
on 2022-05-29 07:09:03 by Verdike
Liker: 1
Vurdering: 1.91)
Franks erster Presseauftritt
Reporter: Heute habe ich den Fahrer Frank Wendler vor mir stehn, Herr Wendlder sie dieses Jahr eine NASC-Meisterschaft gefahren
Frank Wendler: Ja das war ne ganz neue Erfahrung.
Reporter: Wie kammen sie mit dem Auto zurecht.
Frank Wendler: ich muß...
on 2022-05-28 17:24:51 by AndréKoitsch
Liker: 5
Vurdering: 9.18)