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English Birth Of B15 Racing In F1 Starting from Season 60, the iconic Mercedes West team will undergo a significant transformation. The team will be rebranded as B15 Racing Team, led by a passionate group of Hungarian motorsport enthusiasts, spearheaded by the talented Boczy.
on 2025-01-21 10:22:34 by Sir_ErikSalama - Liker: 4 | Vurdering: 7.84)
Magyar Történelmi pillanat a MyRacingCareer világában! Történelmi pillanat a MyRacingCareer világában! Az ikonikus finn csapat, Mercedes West, hivatalosan is egy szenvedélyes magyar közösség kezébe került, Boczzy vezetésével. A tulajdonosváltás új fejezetet nyit a csapat életében, és az 59. szezon 71. na...
on 2025-01-20 18:30:12 by Sir_ErikSalama - Liker: 2 | Vurdering: 1.96)
English Mercedes West Has Been Sold A historic moment in the MyRacingCareer world! The iconic Finnish team, Mercedes West, has been officially sold to a passionate Hungarian community led by Boczzy. The transition of ownership marks a new chapter for the team, which will officially be ...
on 2025-01-20 18:27:59 by Sir_ErikSalama - Liker: 4 | Vurdering: 7.82)
Suomi Mercedes West Myyty Historiallinen hetki MyRacingCareer-maailmassa! Ikoninen suomalainen tiimi, Mercedes West, on virallisesti myyty intohimoiselle unkarilaisyhteisölle, jota johtaa Boczzy. Omistajuuden siirtyminen merkitsee uutta lukua tiimin tarinassa, ja päivästä 71 ...
on 2025-01-20 18:25:43 by Sir_ErikSalama - Liker: 2 | Vurdering: 3.92)
Nederlands 1951 circuits Het is Raymond van de Pol gelukt. racen op alle 1951 circuits in dit spel. De meeste van jullie zijn daar deel van geweest. Bijvoorbeeld in de BELNED. Deze serie is namelijk uitgegroeid tot de manier voor mij om nieuwe circuits te pakken. maar dat ho...
on 2025-01-19 22:32:08 by Pollie - Liker: 1 | Vurdering: 1.92)
Suomi Suomalaistalli Voittaa toisen Perättäisen F1 Kisan Zandvoortissa Zandvoortin radalla nähtiin jännittävä esitys, kun Craig Gardner nappasi uransa ensimmäisen Formula 1 -voiton MyRacingCareer-pelissä. Tämä merkittävä virstanpylväs on suuri saavutus sekä Gardnerille itselleen että Mercedes West -tiimille. Voitto tuli...
on 2025-01-19 18:16:44 by Sir_ErikSalama - Liker: 3 | Vurdering: 4.87)
English Craig Gardner Wins F1 Race In Zandvoort In a thrilling display at the Zandvoort circuit, Craig Gardner clinched his maiden Formula 1 victory in the MyRacingCareer game, marking a significant milestone for both himself and the Mercedes West team. This triumph follows teammate Oiva Hämäys's ...
on 2025-01-19 18:11:15 by Sir_ErikSalama - Liker: 3 | Vurdering: 5.74)
English Craig Gardner Takes Pole Position And Drives Fastest Ever Lap Driven In Zandvoort That´s our 2nd pole position in a row. First Hämäys took pole position in Hungary and now Craig Gardner took pole position in Zandvoort and drove the fastest ever lap driven in Zandvoort thus taking the track record for this track with a time of 01:2...
on 2025-01-18 18:46:36 by Sir_ErikSalama - Liker: 7 | Vurdering: 13.11)
English How Mercedes Became Winners Analysis and story about yesterday's win
on 2025-01-18 11:28:00 by Sir_ErikSalama - Liker: 0 | Vurdering: 0.00)
English First report of the Pegaso Driver Development Programme (season 59) As promised in [URL=]the announcement from two weeks ago, I am going to inform you about the progress of the Pegaso Driver Development Programme members. I will do so by using an Excel sheet cont...
on 2025-01-17 20:21:13 by nicorz - Liker: 11 | Vurdering: 18.54)
Suomi OIVA HÄMÄYS VOITTAA UNKARIN GP:N [URL=https://...][url=] [url=https://img... pics OIVA HÄMÄYS VOITTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA UNKARIN GP:N. Oiva Hämäys on tuonut suomalaistallille ensimmäisen voiton sitten kauden 35 ja ensimmäisen voiton Mercedekselle tässä pelissä...
on 2025-01-17 19:36:56 by Sir_ErikSalama - Liker: 3 | Vurdering: 5.89)
English Miracle In Hungary: OIVA HÄMÄYS WINS THE HUNGARIAN GP [URL=https://...][url=] [url=https://img... pics OIVA HÄMÄYS WINS THE HUNGARIAN GP! Oiva Hämäys has secured the first victory for the Finnish team since season 35 and the first win for Mercedes in this game. This is wh...
on 2025-01-17 19:32:50 by Sir_ErikSalama - Liker: 8 | Vurdering: 14.47)
English Just A Statement I won't be doing press releases every 20 days anymore but instead I will be doing releases when a milestone in Bobby's career is reached. Thank you for the support over the last 4 seasons, the press release competition meant a lot to me. I'll update ...
on 2025-01-17 06:18:16 by BobPG - Liker: 3 | Vurdering: 5.51)
Español El camino hacia la cima: entre curvas, desvíos y aprendizajes Llegamos a la mitad de nuestra primera temporada, y vaya que este viaje ha sido una montaña rusa. Empezamos con una planificación que parecía perfecta en papel, pero descubrimos de la manera menos divertida que las desviaciones sí existen (y no solo ...
on 2025-01-16 15:53:48 by HectorManenti - Liker: 5 | Vurdering: 8.30)
English British Invitational Series - Season 59 Standings Update The British Invitational Series continues to thrill racing fans in its 59th season, showcasing top-tier talent in Formula 4. With intense competition on the track, the standings are beginning to reflect the season's drama and skill. Standings O...
on 2025-01-15 23:17:34 by MexicanHombres - Liker: 0 | Vurdering: 0.00)
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