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English In all fairness Tex Cob rates his 3 favorites tracks... 3 Ain-Diab This track is beautiful in historic Morroco .. Is long very difficult to master and it's Fast.. Drivers love to be tested as well as their crew and their machine.. This track does it all in a be...
on 2015-11-05 21:48:02 by TerryWilson - Liker: 1 | Vurdering: 1.35)
Português, Brasil II Campeonato Brasileiro MRC - Temporada 16 Após o sucesso da nosaa primeira competição, estamos abrindo inscrições para o II Campeonato Brasileiro de Automobilismo, a ser realizado na Próxima Temporada (que iniciará dia 16 de Novembro). Inscri... 05 de Novembro (Quinta-feira) Término: 15 ...
on 2015-11-05 20:53:11 by bacchus30 - Liker: 6 | Vurdering: 7.70)
English Tex Cobb's 3 worst tracks ever. After racing now a few seasons Tex Cobb offering a press release of his 3 worst tracks he has had to race so far.. Most will be no surprise to most of the community. 3... Burke lakefront formerly Cleveland I guess formerly and airport strip.. Is...
on 2015-11-05 20:50:47 by TerryWilson - Liker: 1 | Vurdering: 1.35)
English HamrHedZ season 16 HamrHedZ season 16 as has been previously mentioned the current drivers in HamrHedZ will not be returning. we all wish to thank Afonso for the many seasons of service and also thank Rato for gaining some seat time to learn F1 Next season will see...
on 2015-11-05 19:39:03 by ArkAngel - Liker: 11 | Vurdering: 17.70)
Français RED BULL VAILLANTE F1 remporte sa troisième couronne mondiale !! L'équipe de F1 française Red Bull Vaillante F1 vient tout juste de remporter sa troisième couronne mondiale après la course au Brésil. Ses pilotes ont assuré les points sans prendre trop de risques inutiles. Avec 30 points de plus emmagasinés, ils de...
on 2015-11-05 18:46:38 by JordanF1 - Liker: 13 | Vurdering: 23.33)
Italiano Ottimo risultato da parte di Colomba Con sole 4 gare corse, nella serie personalizzata: Marathon Cup VIII della Categoria Formula 3, il giovane pilota Pasquale Colomba dimostra di saperci fare. L'unico errore di questo campionato è stato la mancanza di punti nella prima gara in Americ...
on 2015-11-05 18:38:42 by Silence - Liker: 5 | Vurdering: 7.19)
Nederlands Gaat Rossdale voor zijn tweede termijn? Het is weer die tijd... het einde van het seizoen nadert en dit betekent dat Rossdale wat nerveuzer in zijn grote leren stoel begon te schuiven. De voeten komen van het eikenhouten bureau af, de sigaar wordt uitgedrukt in de uitpuilende asbak en ...
on 2015-11-05 13:23:57 by Rossdale - Liker: 4 | Vurdering: 4.47)
Magyar Elkészült csapatunk új autoja! Nem mostanra terveztük, új versenyautonk megépítése mégis aktuálissá vált, két okbol is. Egyfelől LOL-HON-unk az eddigi többmint 375 versenyen kapott hideget meleget és nagyon durván kezdtek kijönni rajta a mindenféle műszaki bakik, másfelől részt ve...
on 2015-11-04 19:32:29 by korgpa3le - Liker: 1 | Vurdering: 0.18)
Español Neil Watts ganó la última clasificación de la temporada 15 de F3 Slovenia El piloto español Neil Watts, con MYG Volvo, se quedó con una nueva pole (2 del año) correspondiente a la última carrera de la temporada de la F3 Eslovena, que se realizó en el circuito de Mobikrog. Neil lideró toda la tanda, siendo el único piloto ...
on 2015-11-04 19:03:31 by AlejandroGarcía - Liker: 3 | Vurdering: 4.09)
Suomi Nummi on turhautunut Markus Nummi ei ole oikein juhlinut tällä kaudella kisojen jälkeen. Syynä huonot tulokset ja luokituksen tippuminen. Nummen kausi F3 Swedish Seriesissä on ollut vaikea. Hän on sarjassa sijalla 24 201 pisteellä. Nummi voi nousta vielä pari pykälää, mu...
on 2015-11-04 15:13:30 by Markkamake - Liker: 5 | Vurdering: 8.56)
Español Nueva Estrella Surge de Argentina Con solo 18 años recien cumplidos este piloto muestra las agallas que hay que tener para lograr estas seguidillas de podios tanto en clasificacion como en carreras. Adelante MAC. Tienes un gran futuro en esta categoria y por supuesto estoy convencido...
on 2015-11-04 06:31:54 by migcas - Liker: 0 | Vurdering: 0.00)
English Tex is hexed in Texas Tex Cobb a native driver from Houston Texas has a current curse on the formula tracks in Texas.. Early in day he went to Circuit of the Americas was running Ok in 8th position and crashed out in turn 4. Later in the Afternoon he went to Texas in D...
on 2015-11-04 00:39:57 by TerryWilson - Liker: 3 | Vurdering: 5.06)
English NATIONS CUP With two races to Italy it bypasses Russia at the top and give a margin of 44 points over his rival team. Fans were very happy after the excellent results of the team's drivers, who have reached the following placements: Alex Botta Hungarorin...
on 2015-11-03 13:51:22 by CarmineLuce - Liker: 1 | Vurdering: 1.35)
Română NATIONS CUP Cu două curse spre Italia ocolește Rusia în partea de sus și să dea o marjă de 44 de puncte pe echipa sa rivale. Fanii au fost foarte fericit după rezultatele excelente ale conducătorilor auto echipei, care au ajuns la următoarele plasare: A...
on 2015-11-03 13:48:09 by CarmineLuce - Liker: 1 | Vurdering: 1.35)
Deutsch NATIONS CUP Mit zwei Rennen nach Italien umgeht Russland an der Spitze und geben eine Marge von 44 Punkten gegenüber seinem Rivalen Team. Fans waren sehr froh, nach den hervorragenden Ergebnissen der Fahrer des Teams, der die folgende Platzierungen erreicht hab...
on 2015-11-03 13:45:46 by CarmineLuce - Liker: 2 | Vurdering: 2.89)
1 ... 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 ... 851