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Português, Brasil [BR18] Classificação após 18/18 corridas PILOTOS 1º Luiz Thomazini, 287.5 2º Asdrubal Pinto, 285.5 3º Rafael Drummond, 284.5 4º Bruno Correa, 263 5º Ricardo Medinha Conessa, 260.5 6º Juca Macieira II, 248 7º Alex Reis, 225.5 8º Roger Relâmpago, 221.5 9º Karina Sette, 207.5 10º G...
on 2019-08-27 04:26:29 by jeansapia - Liker: 4 | Vurdering: 7.03)
English Last Ride James Dangelo announced today that the upcoming season in the Formula 3 American will be his last. "This sport can wear on you just like it can on a car," the Seattle-based driver said. "I feel it is time for me to enjoy the frui...
on 2019-08-27 04:09:06 by JamesDAngelo - Liker: 4 | Vurdering: 6.90)
Nederlands ETCS Barcelona Helaas leek het dit weekend wel heel erg tegen te vallen. misschien omdat de 2e plaats al binnen was. misschien omdat de auto hier niet helemaal paste. Raymond werd 4e 2e en 6e. Op naar volgend seizoen
on 2019-08-26 23:55:56 by Pollie - Liker: 0 | Vurdering: 0.00)
English Looking forward to S34! Great review of the year mate! I can confirm Montané will take part in next season's Indy championship, looking to improve on that P5. I was delighted that he won a race! It's curious that after fighting sometimes in F3 Masters and in Bradley's s...
on 2019-08-26 22:31:06 by JordiMontané - Liker: 4 | Vurdering: 7.67)
English Zaggro Enjoys Career Season as Indy Rookie It was a 50/50 decision to jump up to Indy for Mack Zaggro at the end of season 32, but spurred on by his Indy Jr title fight with American Bo Darville - from whom only 1pt decided the Indy Jr Championship - the decision was made to carry the rivalry...
on 2019-08-26 16:59:09 by Adamski - Liker: 8 | Vurdering: 13.40)
Italiano Stagione Chiusa! MOTO1 Luce conclude il campionato di Moto1 al sesto posto, non è stato facile ma alla fine è riuscito a raggiungere l'obbiettivo, a soli 5 punti dal quinto posto di Da Costa e due punti di vantaggio dal settimo posto di Niinisto, che si è ritirato...
on 2019-08-26 12:35:52 by CarmineLuce - Liker: 6 | Vurdering: 11.20)
Português Época de desilusão para Manuel Vicente Na sua segunda época na série TCS Europe, Manuel Vicente partia com aspirações de melhorar o 8º lugar alcançado na época anterior. Tendo trabalhado essencialmente na parte mental do seu treino, esperava-se maior concentração do piloto nas corridas, e...
on 2019-08-26 12:28:59 by Xequemoz - Liker: 5 | Vurdering: 8.78)
Español La mejor temporada de Montané...¡hasta el momento! La temporada 33 quedará para el recuerdo para Marc Montané. Lograr quedar entre los cinco primeros y ganar una carrera de la Indy es algo que sólo habían logrado Toni Rubiejo y Antón Mencía. Y no sólo en Indy, si no que globalmente y en relación a la...
on 2019-08-26 12:12:13 by JordiMontané - Liker: 6 | Vurdering: 10.37)
Català La millor temporada de Montané...fins ara! La temporada 33 quedarà pel record per a Marc Montané. Aconseguir quedar entre els cinc primers i guanyar una cursa de la Indy és un fet que només Toni Rubiejo i Antón Mencía havien aconseguit. I no tant sols a Indy, sinó que globalment i en relació ...
on 2019-08-26 11:53:46 by JordiMontané - Liker: 4 | Vurdering: 7.60)
Čeština Tři sezóny za námi a první pohár ve vitríně Vezměme to od začátku.... Právě jsem dokončil třetí kompletní sezónu. První sezónu jsem jel v Rookie series, kde jsem získal 10. místo. Zkusil jsem i soukromé série a to Monster Energy 19 & under a CZ/SK cup S31 U23, kde jsem skončil 36 a 13....
on 2019-08-25 20:20:25 by Ladik84 - Liker: 4 | Vurdering: 6.65)
Italiano Damiano Iannascoli domina e vince il titolo del TCS Benelux Dopo un primo anno di studio, Damiano Iannascoli è riuscito a conquistare il titolo del TCS Benelux alla sua seconda stagiona. Una vittoria concreta e alla portata, che ha visto l’alfiere della Basso Motorsport portarsi a casa ben 13 vittorie e 21 po...
on 2019-08-25 19:47:04 by Calu11 - Liker: 7 | Vurdering: 11.51)
English F3 Masters Season 33: Macau Preview: Is Novikov's defence under threat? It's been a stunning season so far, I know the podium has been a bit predictable than normal this season but the fight's still there, Michael Damon Novikov started his defence in style, winning the first 3 races and of course, he had to fight for the...
on 2019-08-25 16:25:24 by ThatFPM8Guy - Liker: 6 | Vurdering: 11.45)
English Is It Time For Formula 3 To Evolve? Jumping on the speculation station, and I know adding more "maybe Devs could do this!?" To the ever growing list is asinine, but for me, the core value to change and refresh this game would be as follows (and I'm sure probably really diffic...
on 2019-08-24 13:26:08 by Adamski - Liker: 10 | Vurdering: 17.16)
Italiano Infortunio su incidente di gara Il pilota B.Ramo è stato vittima di un bruttissimo incidente a Suzuka, sfortunatamente la sua carriera è terminata troppo presto. Il manager della Audi F3 Accademy lo ha ingaggiato Nino Conte, un giovane promettente pescato neil karting.
on 2019-08-24 08:12:41 by metroid8 - Liker: 1 | Vurdering: 1.73)
English Porsche´s Kenny Wirdheim on F1, Future and Present Q: So Kenny - 28 yrs old is it time for F1 now? A: Nahh we are probably in 3-4 seasons from making that happen, Right now happy in GT looking to clinch 5th position Unless the unmentionable happen at last race, Fingers crossed :) Q: What F1 team...
on 2019-08-23 15:27:36 by HåkanFerm - Liker: 11 | Vurdering: 20.31)
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