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Pressemeldinger - Debik system for is Fair

Debik system for is Fair

I wish to explain something That happen. We did put in a bid for 500 coins on day 71 for the remaining shares. The program at that time said I needed to bid 500 coins for the remaining unassigned shares. So that happened I accepted it. Then wrote the Origonal article on the New share system. But Debik deducted zero coins from my account and cleared the unassigned shares. Making the share 1 Issue work like he said it does from his post.

I thank Debik for that is called Integrity. I can Live with this new Unassigned shares buy back in either auction or directly. We will of course offer our shares in auction. I Have made posts in our Team forum before this that we would offer our shares always in auction. This is only fair way to shareholders to have a chance to buy them.

The system is Fair for the amount of coins to the amount of credits received by each individual team. I have no ill feelings over this change. So I do not want the entire community thinking I am angry at Debik or anyone else over this. It was just a surprise and not fully understood. It has all been completely clarified to all.

So I wish to express Merry Christmas to All in this Holiday season and Happy New Year!


on 2021-12-23 11:29:13 by TerryWilson
Liker: 2 | Vurdering: 3.90
Dette er reaksjonen til følgende pressemelding:

Reaction to TerryWilson

on 2021-12-22 18:39:45 by DebiK - Liker: 9 | Poengsum: 15.168

After considerations I decided to answer here on this channel instead of the forums. I think your understanding is incorrect. Pls read.

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