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Pressemeldinger - Backmarkers need to get moving + a correction

Backmarkers need to get moving + a correction

With the exception of Trabant, who's straddling the middle of the pack, everyone with open seats is in the back half of the pack. They really should get moving if they haven't already since it's harder to find drivers willing to sacrifice their rating to ride at the back. Mercedes is the only team in the bottom 6 that has their stuff together from the looks of it. ;)

Speaking of Mercedes, as assistant manager I would be remiss if I did not point out that Fedor Dostoevskiy is not a rookie next season as he is driving for us this season. So there's actually only five rookies for next season so far.

on 2021-06-24 03:28:54 by jcgoble3
Liker: 5 | Vurdering: 7.91
Dette er reaksjonen til følgende pressemelding:

Season 43 Formula 1 Drivers and Teams

on 2021-06-22 10:45:31 by Clunker - Liker: 18 | Poengsum: 29.547

So far only nine teams have signed both drivers for season 43. Out of those nine teams only Ford will have the same driver line-up as this season.  It also seems that it’s time for next generation to shine. So far teams have signed six rookie drivers...

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