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Español VAMOS TODOS JUNTOS A DEJAR LA CATEGORIA Y DESTREZA DEL PILOTAJE ARGENTINO FELICITACIONES TITOC84 POR LA ELECION OBTENIDA Y SUERTE EN LOS PROYECTOS ,Ahora esperemos que con la legion Argentina de Pilotos podamos demostrar al mundo la calidad y categoria que tenemos y ademas si fuera posible trabajar en equipo como debe ser ...
op 2015-06-01 01:41:13 door lucho62 - Vind ik leuks: 3 | Waardering: 4.19)
English Owner & Driver Frusterated After Long Beach Crash It looked like another top ten finish was well in hand for driver Staci Evans and her Microsoft number 35 team. She started in thirteenth position, worked he way up to fifth place, and was running with the lead group all afternoon. Things changed o...
op 2015-06-01 01:06:21 door LoyalW - Vind ik leuks: 5 | Waardering: 8.17)
Português, Brasil ser voce e brasileiro com 23 anos o mais ser ircreva na nacional brasil fomula 3 oi gente vamos iscreve fomula 3 brasil corra e vocé pode ser o novo campeão
op 2015-05-31 23:57:46 door ThiagoEstrela - Vind ik leuks: 2 | Waardering: 0.36)
English Bad Strategy Timing... (Interview) Reporter: Wais, you won on Friday, now you're out of the race today, tell us what happened. Wais: Well, today we fucked up the strategy, the safety car came out and we should've pitted before it came out, anything could happen these days and then I ...
op 2015-05-31 21:56:39 door ThatFPM8Guy - Vind ik leuks: 2 | Waardering: 3.51)
Français Saint-BREAKING NEWS - Red Bull Vaillante F1 remporte sa deuxième couronne mondiale en Formule 1 Les deux pilotes Red Bull vaillante F1 avaient annoncé qu'ils ramèneraient la couronne mondiale dès le GP du Mexique et ILS L'ONT FAIT. Sans prendre de risques, ils ont terminé second et cinquième ce qui permet à l'équipe d'avoir une avance largem...
op 2015-05-31 18:42:28 door JordanF1 - Vind ik leuks: 9 | Waardering: 15.37)
Čeština Fanoušci Jordanu všech zemí, spojte se :) Čekají nás poslední tři závody a situace je velmi zajímavá. Red Bull si jede svou sérii (snad naposledy), ale Jordan je druhý s náskokem 15 bodů na Mercedes a hlavně máme 54 na OMR. Zatím máme 383 bodů a přitom byl náš sezónní rekord jen 335 bodů. ...
op 2015-05-31 15:04:03 door KazikluBey - Vind ik leuks: 10 | Waardering: 16.98)
Deutsch Formel 1 Karriere von Schnell noch ungewiss Laut internen Informationen, haben Christoph Schnell und Trabant sich noch immer nicht auf einen Vertrag für die kommende Saison in der Formel 1 einigen können. "Das Teammanagement und ich haben schon über Optionen gesprochen, uns jedoch bish...
op 2015-05-31 12:52:24 door mettwurstgnom - Vind ik leuks: 6 | Waardering: 10.84)
English Mighty Rookie Season! Albeit a smaller series, easy to overlook down the bottom of the F3 National list, the Romanian F3 series has once again put on a great series, acting as a proving ground for some of MRC's most decorated managers, as has been the case in several prev...
op 2015-05-31 11:39:23 door Adamski - Vind ik leuks: 8 | Waardering: 12.23)
Română Premieră absolută la Mugello: MotoGP are un nou record de viteză. Iannone, la primul pole Marc Marquez a făcut la Mugello cele mai slabe calificări de când a sosit la clasa MotoGP. Ghinion sau nu, campionul en titre va pleca de pe 13 în grila Marelui Premiu al Italiei, ratând spectaculos secvența finală a calificărilor contând pentru etap...
op 2015-05-31 10:01:07 door DoRuF1 - Vind ik leuks: 0 | Waardering: 0.00)
Svenska New F3 Scandinavian Series I am proud to announce that new tracks have been added to the Formula 3 Scandinavian Series for the next season. This is the result of a fruitful cooperation between the NMA Presidents of Sweden, Denmark, Finland and user NOMI5 from Norway. S...
op 2015-05-31 09:47:57 door darkwater - Vind ik leuks: 7 | Waardering: 10.63)
Español Pilotos Argentinos nominados para Copa de Naciones Tras ser anunciada la creación de la Asociación Argentina del Deporte Motor, se han elejidos los primeros 6 pilotos nacionales los cuales representarán a nuestro país el dia 03/06/2015 en la Copa de Naciones, los cuales son los siguientes: Jylla.....
op 2015-05-30 21:54:53 door Titoc84 - Vind ik leuks: 9 | Waardering: 10.73)
English Responding to Wresdan 'About the thing 'How to Win', I thought the title wasn't gonna be offensive but it turned out to be bad.' said ThatFPM8Guy, Wais's manager. 'Wais also said that Jackson is a way better driver than him and he is like nowhere near his level, but what ...
op 2015-05-30 20:46:42 door ThatFPM8Guy - Vind ik leuks: 5 | Waardering: 8.59)
Suomi Kauden loppua kohten Taas on yksi kausi loppumassa. Tämä on Oskari Karppisen toinen kausi kilpailumaailmassa. Karppinen suostui lyhyeen haastatteluun. -E... Oskari. Kohta olisi toinen kautesi päättymässä. Mitkäs ovat fiilikset? -No, eivät mitkään erityiset. Tietysti ...
op 2015-05-30 17:43:03 door GamerDude997 - Vind ik leuks: 4 | Waardering: 6.52)
English How to win A TITLE Yesterday saw Wais Vé Kuba pick up his second win of the season in American F3 followed by a press release about 'How to Win'. After trying to get hold of either Rick Deidrich or Jackson Storm we ended up having to settle for an interview with Storm...
op 2015-05-30 12:44:30 door Wresdan - Vind ik leuks: 8 | Waardering: 11.43)
Čeština Výsledky poháru národů 9. týden - kvalifikace a krátké závody Krátí se nám to krátí tak mrknem na pohár národů. Kvalifi... Charvec - poleposition Lukin Kadeřábek 3. místo Jan Pabouček 9. místo Honza Drápalík 11. místo U21: Dan Daniel 9. místo Lenka Nováčková 15. místo Krátké závody: Libor Charvec...
op 2015-05-30 09:56:48 door wandaL - Vind ik leuks: 5 | Waardering: 7.84)
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