Comienza una nueva Temp. de Formula 3 Sudamericana
Estamos a dias que comience una nueva temporada de la F-3 Sudamenricana, la nº 14, la cual de los 30 pilotos inscriptos 9 son Argentinos, 7 Brasileros, 1 Colombiano, 1 Uruguayo y 1 Ecuatoriano con lo que serian pilotos Sudamericanos, los 11 restantes...
op 2015-06-13 23:12:15 door Titoc84
Vind ik leuks: 4
Waardering: 4.26)
Piloto principiante en su primera temporada
Hola a todos. Estamos con mcthewizard el piloto principiante que aterriza en Formula 3 en su primer campeonato profesional en la Formula 3. ¿Que grandes hazañas hará este piloto conseguirá sus objetivos de temporada?
Se siente confiado y con ilusión...
op 2015-06-13 17:29:39 door OscarSempere
Vind ik leuks: 0
Waardering: 0.00)
Afonso crowned champeen
Afonso crowned champeen
Afonso ,our illustrious F1 driver at HamrHedZ F1 team, ran away with the points in the second annual HamrHedZ Single Races unofficial series and is scored the champeen.
This is now the second season that HamrHedZ F1 driver...
op 2015-06-13 15:07:42 door ArkAngel
Vind ik leuks: 6
Waardering: 9.30)
Výsledky poháru národů 11. týden - kvalifikace a krátké závody
Takže takže takže... o nic nám nejde šanci předvést se dostali i jiní jezdci než obvyklí tak se na to podíváme.
Libor Charvec v kvalifikaci až sedmý.
Lukin Kadeřábek druhý.
Pavel Křesák Jr. až patnáctý.
Richard Nebeský Jr. třináctý.
Nezačalo t...
op 2015-06-13 10:19:45 door wandaL
Vind ik leuks: 7
Waardering: 11.65)
Welcome New Drivers!!!
Welcome drivers to this awesome game. this is my first week playing it and i can tell you i love it. With me being from America my favorite sport is Nascar Sprint cup which they have on here, but it is 1.1 million entrance fee. so i'm trying to work ...
op 2015-06-13 00:39:46 door MatthewHuggins
Vind ik leuks: 6
Waardering: 5.08)
De Sousa dresse le bilan de sa première saison
Mario De Sousa vient de terminer sa première saison complète en Estonie. Pointant encore à la 4e place à 3 courses de la fin,le jeune franco-brésilien s'est effondré en fin de parcours,finissant ainsi à la 8e place.
- Mario,tu as finalement termin...
op 2015-06-12 23:12:03 door Marciello
Vind ik leuks: 7
Waardering: 12.22)
Bludný holanďan
Reportér našej redakcie Grand prix Express Elvír Zelený sa stretol s manažérom nášho mladého reprezentačného jazdca Ruud van der Míška.
R: Ako sa skončila prvá sezóna vášho jazdca?
Deka96: Som spokojný s výkonmi i celkovým poradím šampionátu, bol...
op 2015-06-12 21:31:21 door deka96
Vind ik leuks: 6
Waardering: 9.70)
New driver from Texas!????
We happen to be wondering around the dirt track circuits.. In one stop we found a driver who had been the standing track champion for 3 years running.. Some may think who cares but since he now just 18 and champion bull rider of the county also, we t...
op 2015-06-12 20:12:56 door TerryWilson
Vind ik leuks: 5
Waardering: 7.04)
Aurélien Poucette arrive ... en fanfare !
Notre correspondant J.L. Moncet est allé rencontrer Aurélien Poucette à sa 1ère course à Zandvoort. Celui-ci boitait car il arrivait direct de l'hôpital pour rejoindre le circuit suite à un accident de kart.
J.L.M. : Bonjour, Aurélien vous êtes le...
op 2015-06-12 17:01:02 door PouretteF1
Vind ik leuks: 8
Waardering: 13.72)
Vastaus Jousivirralle
En tuomitse Jousivirtaa mielipiteensä esilletuomisesta, mutta mielestäni muutama pointti on virheellinen ja ristiriitainen.
Oletan Jousivirran viittaavan Kansallis-Cupiin hänen imaistessaan halukkuutensa ”edustaa Suomea kaiken maailman kisoissa”. ...
op 2015-06-12 13:49:24 door looni
Vind ik leuks: 7
Waardering: 12.00)
Season 14 is coming, Windsor Alliance Racing
Windsor Alliance Racing started season 13 with great expectations and a new manager. Our expectations were supported by the new car which was clearly better than the previous season's car, however after the first race it became clear that the other t...
op 2015-06-12 12:32:33 door bornelas
Vind ik leuks: 9
Waardering: 16.08)
Best wishes, Nick!
True to form, the original Rage poster boy dropped the mic and walked off stage. Nick's Rage teammates will miss his style, energy, and wit. Our team forum won't be the same! Good luck to ya, Nick! We'll see you on the track!!
Prior to Nick's surp...
op 2015-06-12 09:07:12 door Lee1950
Vind ik leuks: 6
Waardering: 10.46)
Boas!Estou aqui para vos dar algumas informações sobre a equipa luso-britânica.
A Winsdor Alliance Racing não teve uma época como se esperava,pois não conseguiu alcançar um único ponto.Com certeza,o treinador da WAR não estará muito feliz com o r...
op 2015-06-12 08:51:13 door Rafarato
Vind ik leuks: 6
Waardering: 7.36)
McLaren Season Update
Die Saison ist beendet, daher ist es mal wieder an der Zeit für ein kurzes Update. Die vergangene Saison war nicht besonders spannend, PSG und Red Bull konnten souverän die Titel holen. Gratulation an dieser Stelle!
Unser McLaren Team wurde erneut...
op 2015-06-12 08:28:09 door messi4h
Vind ik leuks: 8
Waardering: 14.08)
McLaren Season Update
The season has come to an end and it's time for another quick update. First of all the last season was not as exciting as the preceding seasons, PSG and Red Bull won their titles quite comfortably. Congratulations to them from McLaren!
Our team ...
op 2015-06-12 08:11:03 door messi4h
Vind ik leuks: 7
Waardering: 11.93)