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Română Tatăl lui Jules Bianchi vine cu noutăți despre starea pilotului accidentat grav la Suzuka Starea francezului Jules Bianchi este în continuare gravă, la distanță de 9 luni de la accidentul suferit în octombrie 2014, în timpul Marelui Premiu de Formula 1 al Japoniei. Tatăl pilotului a spus că Jules nu a făcut vreun progres semnificativ f...
op 2015-07-17 06:38:13 door DoRuF1 - Vind ik leuks: 0 | Waardering: 0.00)
Română Organizatorii din F1 au nevoie de un împrumut pentru ca un Grand Prix să se desfăşoare! Organizatorii locali doresc să obţină un împrumut de 4 miliarde de ruble (70 milioane de dolari) din partea guvernului de la Moscova, pentru ca Marele Premiu de Formula 1 al Rusiei să se desfăşoare în octombrie, aşa cum este prevăzut, a anunţat Agerp...
op 2015-07-17 06:37:15 door DoRuF1 - Vind ik leuks: 0 | Waardering: 0.00)
English Rage beats NOVA in Chilli cook off Rage motorsports were celebrating today after winning the NOVA sports first annual chili cook off after the entire NOVA team defaults. Strange scenes unfolded at the NOVA HQ today where hundreds of fans had gathered to watch The two teams best Chi...
op 2015-07-16 23:21:44 door thedonz - Vind ik leuks: 15 | Waardering: 23.95)
English Jay Responds Professionally... After a monumental 4th place in Qualifying for the Rookie Series top flight event at Brno, spectators looked on in disbelief as Wellington was wheeled out to the drenched circuit sporting slick tyres... Only team PR Polly Carbonate was available f...
op 2015-07-16 22:07:05 door Adamski - Vind ik leuks: 7 | Waardering: 12.25)
English Unhappy chappy! As we get closer to the halfway mark of this season, the young bloke Tobias R. Steegs isn't very happy with his recent performance. After a great start in the Benelux series, where a top 10 spot in his first season came very close, he has been str...
op 2015-07-16 19:29:51 door RenéSteegs - Vind ik leuks: 4 | Waardering: 5.86)
English Rookie steps aside for Young Gun 19 Year old rookie Kyle St.Lukase has announced his intentions to retire from Motorsport at the end of the season. The young driver said "I feel that I can't Compete with a lot of the bigger drivers so I have decided that this season I'll be ...
op 2015-07-15 22:28:20 door Dobbi - Vind ik leuks: 6 | Waardering: 10.45)
English F1 Season Favorites We have completed quite a few races now this season and currently, 2 men fight for the Drivers World Championship: P.De Saint-Germain Jr as he leads by 7 points and P Grandi However A Acarini can still catch them as he is only 28 points behind. Good ...
op 2015-07-15 18:24:01 door Tiametmarduk - Vind ik leuks: 6 | Waardering: 8.70)
Português Futuro incerto de Miguel Freitas Miguel Freitas, piloto português que está a disputar a Rookie Series tem sido desafiado para integrar a "Formula 3 Arabic Series" pelos seus fãs, contudo não é muito bom a chinês! O sonho do piloto, como o próprio admitiu em declarações ...
op 2015-07-15 12:59:37 door MiguelFreitas - Vind ik leuks: 9 | Waardering: 10.27)
Español Un novato entre la élite: Marc Gil participa en la Copa de las Naciones Puede que la Copa de las Naciones no tenga los bólidos más rápidos, pero lo que si tiene es a los volantes más rápidos. Cada semana, la élite del pilotaje mundial, los Saint-Germain Jr, Acarini, Kadeřábek, Grandi, etc… en categoría absoluta, y los me...
op 2015-07-15 02:49:33 door felson - Vind ik leuks: 6 | Waardering: 6.37)
Español PRIMER CANDIDATO A PRESIDENTE DE ARGENTINA chicos desde hoy me postulo a presidente de la argentina por el frente para la libertad todos juntos podemos ser algo mas en este juego
op 2015-07-14 20:42:03 door LucioMarino - Vind ik leuks: 0 | Waardering: 0.00)
Suomi Tiedote Hei kaikki fanit ja anteeksi heti alkuun etten ole ollut aktiivinen mutta olen tarkoituksella pitänyt matalaa profiilia koska muuten suomen juorulehdet olisivat ottaneet hampaisiinsa, varsinkin kun minua ei arvosteta siellä suomessa. Mitta juu ajan s...
op 2015-07-14 19:22:07 door JarmoJousivirta - Vind ik leuks: 4 | Waardering: 6.78)
Nederlands Cor Lems Jr. - zo vader zo zoon ? Waar Cor Lems Sr. in de jaren '90 de velden in de Eredivisie onveilig maakte met messcherpte tackles en doldrieste acties timmert zijn zoon Cor Lems Jr. hard aan de weg om messcherpte rondetijden neer te zetten en doldrieste inhaalmanouvres aan het p...
op 2015-07-14 15:33:18 door StabieleBaas - Vind ik leuks: 3 | Waardering: 3.29)
Español Marc Gil despunta en la Formula 3 Spanish Series Después de 8 carreras, el joven piloto Marc Gil se revela como uno de los animadores de la 14ª Temporada de la Serie Española de F3. Con 19 años recién cumplidos, ha irrumpido con fuerza en esta competición en la que actualmente ocupa el 2do puesto d...
op 2015-07-14 00:34:09 door felson - Vind ik leuks: 1 | Waardering: 0.33)
English Rookie starts career Rookie John Thomson starts his Career and loves it. On the first qualify and race feels he needs to improve his team and car and wants to join a team that will take him on. mail him if you need more drivers.
op 2015-07-13 19:46:33 door JohnThomson - Vind ik leuks: 4 | Waardering: 5.16)
Suomi Tulevaisuuden Tähti Eilen illalla uran ensimmäisen voiton ottanut 18 vuotias J.Lehto loisti myös tänään ottamalla uran ensimmäisen paalupaikkansa.Laitt... tämän nuorukaisen nimi mieleen hänestä kuullaan vielä!!! Tässä juniorin mietteitä tämänpäiväisen voitetun kisan jäl...
op 2015-07-13 18:07:08 door vatanen - Vind ik leuks: 6 | Waardering: 10.02)
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