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Português, Brasil [BR20] Classificação após 8/14 corridas PILOTOS 1º Luiz Thomazini, 142 pontos 2º Rafael Drummond, 139 pontos 3º Alex Reis, 136 pontos 4º Asdrubal Pinto, 122.5 pontos 5º Karina Sette, 111 pontos 6º Juca Macieira II, 109 pontos 6º Bernardo Reckziegel, 109 pontos 8º Mateus Marçal, 9...
op 2020-01-13 19:48:12 door jeansapia - Vind ik leuks: 5 | Waardering: 7.58)
Čeština Pohár národů S35 8.týden - Upadlá taktovka? Tak po dalším týdnu stále okukujeme 6.příčku z 29-ti národů. Což nezní špatně, ale my nemůžeme být nikdy spokojení což je dobře, takže jdeme atakovat další příčky vpřed co? Nebo ne? A jak se dařilo tento týden vlastně? Laduška Paboučková začal...
op 2020-01-13 16:27:51 door Ludwei - Vind ik leuks: 8 | Waardering: 13.37)
Slovenščina Pokal narodov S prvo zmago Atelška v članski konkurenci je Slovenija prišla do pete zmage v tej sezoni. Kljub temu, da so večino sezone slovenjo zastopali le štirje dirkače, je ekipa trenutno na odličnem devetem mestu. Preostale zmage sta osvojila še Strojnik in Z...
op 2020-01-13 11:10:37 door toxic - Vind ik leuks: 4 | Waardering: 7.64)
English here is some numbers from My staff I have all the critical machanics being developed right now.. Yes you staff get skill increase over time.. I have 12 mechanics on staff.. costing me 105,582 a week.. It takes minimum 10 mechanics to fill all the critical staff to decrease yo...
op 2020-01-13 08:55:21 door TerryWilson - Vind ik leuks: 5 | Waardering: 9.62)
Nederlands WTCS Shanghai Raymond van de Pol Komt steeds beter te staan op de 5e plek in het kampioenschap van de WTCS. In de races op het circuit van Shanghai werd hij een keer vierde en twee keer vijfde. Op deze manier lijkt de 5e plaats niet meer te missen
op 2020-01-13 07:54:19 door Pollie - Vind ik leuks: 1 | Waardering: 1.74)
English So where is the Fix? nerfing the learning rate does not fix the the problem.. Who was the first driver to hit all 100 skills.. what series did he run and what series does he run in now.. Is it Right That f2 World be rated less the moto Gp and they do not have to ca...
op 2020-01-12 00:31:21 door TerryWilson - Vind ik leuks: 5 | Waardering: 8.04)
English Driver Skills - NERF Regardless of what side of the fence you're on, we circle back to the basic principle. The argument exists because of one simple factor, and one simple solution. Yes, for sure, managers have exploited loopholes and technicalities after crunching t...
op 2020-01-11 21:30:03 door Adamski - Vind ik leuks: 3 | Waardering: 5.78)
English To be honest - Driver Skills Well then, accusing of some managers manipulating the system is a bit jumping the gun there. It's because you got some managers that are so smart and clever that they revised the plan with previous drivers and are out there making their own better be...
op 2020-01-11 18:18:43 door ThatFPM8Guy - Vind ik leuks: 3 | Waardering: 5.80)
English Seriuosly is there not a discussion about reducing the learn rate? Do only you self proclaimed Pros get an input to nerf the skill learning rate that will Do nothing to stop drivers Like Novikov spending their career in no pit series? Maybe your protecting your friends doing it other no pit series.. But simple math...
op 2020-01-11 12:51:12 door TerryWilson - Vind ik leuks: 4 | Waardering: 7.69)
English Yes - It is NOW the Same for Everyone Kudo's to Terry for dispersing knowledge that may not have been openly shared with others and there is already evidence to support his claim. :) My old buddy Deuce would have loved this! He was often chastised for being too free with driver deve...
op 2020-01-11 12:30:58 door EugeneBellamy - Vind ik leuks: 4 | Waardering: 7.11)
English Its the same for everyone Seriously, you're complaining that some people take advantage of something that is available to everyone? That's like complaining about not getting a free burger because you don't go to that burger place. You're talking nonsense. Also, if everyo...
op 2020-01-11 05:03:13 door Wresdan - Vind ik leuks: 10 | Waardering: 16.71)
English Thats really eye opening Never realized that there was series with no pit stops. really puts Nascar at a disadvantage I am spending almost 300 k a week on crew that's 3 extra 90k training's a week and if you don't run a good crew in Nascar your are going to fall behind so it...
op 2020-01-11 04:25:19 door AlanDavis - Vind ik leuks: 2 | Waardering: 3.87)
English Stop the Manipulation of the skill Tree! During the discussions of the problems in F1. It was brought up to many managers was getting their drivers to all 100 skills to fast.. The suggestion was to reduce the learning rate of drivers! This is not the problem.. The ones getting to 100 have ...
op 2020-01-11 00:22:29 door TerryWilson - Vind ik leuks: 8 | Waardering: 14.88)
Italiano Momento Magico Per N.Conte Oggi il manager quello che ha pescato N.Conte nelle giovanili sarà felice dei risultati che sta portando in casa Audi E-Tron il giovane pilota dove sta facendo dei progressi abbastanza significativi nella categoria TCS Benelux. Intervistato a fine ga...
op 2020-01-10 20:47:44 door metroid8 - Vind ik leuks: 2 | Waardering: 3.52)
Русский Новый середняк или будущая звезда? Данила Гладышев- пилот серебренного кубка NASC. Если посмотреть на его результаты, заголовок кажется немного абсурдным. Будущая звезда? Серьезно? Но на самом деле все вполне неплохо. Это его третий сезон в серьезных гонках. Еще в позапрошлом году он ...
op 2020-01-10 19:23:00 door Danilaf1 - Vind ik leuks: 2 | Waardering: 3.89)
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