Ema Dillinger Shows She´s a future contender
As the Nasc Truck Series Regular Season comes to an end, Ema did not make the playoffs. But when there was only 5 races, Ema stepped up her game. She started those races at 30th. In the end, she finished 21st. Ema had two impressive finishes at the e...
op 2020-11-09 14:06:34 door NightSlasher
Vind ik leuks: 4
Waardering: 6.34)
Campionato Italiano: Gran Finale: Ci vuole un FISICO bestiale!
Ci vuole un “Fisico” bestiale!
E’ il suo giorno. Come si sapeva già da tempo, ha vinto Jesse “il Cow-boy” “quest’anno la doccia l’ho fatta anch’io” “le gufate servono a poco” “Fisico” James Fisichella.
7 vittorie su 20 gare (35%). Pazzesco, ma non ...
op 2020-11-08 23:05:52 door chia99
Vind ik leuks: 10
Waardering: 16.87)
Et un premier podium!
Et voilà, maintenant la mi-saison est passée. Et malgré sa présence dans un championnat régional pour sa première vraie saison, Cléa réussit son premier podium, et ainsi remonte à la 5e place du championnat.
On espère récupérer de gros points...
op 2020-11-08 19:47:53 door EmlinDaw
Vind ik leuks: 2
Waardering: 3.70)
Porsche Racing
Vsi tisti, ki bi radi pomagali ekipi Porsche Racing k še boljšim rezultatom, lahko to storite z donacijo glasovalnih točk.
V kolikor ne veste kaj so glasovalne točke, si lahko pogledate video vodič, ki sem ga pripravil ( točk...
op 2020-11-08 01:58:15 door torbar4life
Vind ik leuks: 4
Waardering: 7.08)
Proposal of lower level teams.
I know that there are F1 teams. They are the only teams in the game right now. I propose that we have lower level teams that are afliated with the top F1 teams. This way F1 team could have prospective drivers and people can work their way up through ...
op 2020-11-07 22:47:22 door kman901
Vind ik leuks: 15
Waardering: 21.69)
Why I grind
I joined this game two days ago. I have aleardy goten 7 wins and many poles. I keep jions races even if they are non rookie to improve my rating. By grinding I also give my driver a better chance of racing for a f1 team. So just grind.
op 2020-11-07 20:16:18 door kman901
Vind ik leuks: 6
Waardering: 9.26)
Iskrene čestitke, navijam da bo 1. tudi na koncu sezone.
op 2020-11-07 16:23:52 door AlešMaliPoročnik
Vind ik leuks: 2
Waardering: 2.28)
Formula E: Vidmar v vodstvu
Za dirkači Formule E sta že dve tretjini sezone in na vrhu lestvice je ponovno Blaž Vidmar.
Slovenski dirkač je v drugi tretjini sezone zmagal kar štirikrat in s tem popravil vtis z začetka sezone, ko je v prvi tretjini nabral kar 17 točk zaostan...
op 2020-11-07 10:36:58 door Clunker
Vind ik leuks: 8
Waardering: 13.21)
F1WS magyar szemmel: 39. szezon, 2. harmad (+Vilanova győzelméről)
Szokás szerint az Öreg Kontinensen folytatódtak a királykategória küzdelmei a kanadai kitérő után. Összességében nem lehetett panasz a mieinknek, sőt! Szász Csabinak nem egyszer sikerült elérnie, hogy a Q2-ben szerepeljen. Emellett egy váratlan spany...
op 2020-11-06 22:38:11 door rayzor06
Vind ik leuks: 3
Waardering: 5.74)
Regarding "challenges"
If you have the ability, and want to, you can always throw your hat in the ring for the monthly painting challenges. Its a solid way to earn "free" coins. Another way, that while boring- works, is to just log in everyday. I know it seems li...
op 2020-11-06 22:26:35 door Snyder199
Vind ik leuks: 3
Waardering: 5.39)
Ways to get coins
The challenges are really just a basic tutorial. They aren't meant to be a resource-producing feature. The fact that they give rewards is merely an incentive to actually go through the tutorials.
For ways to actually earn coins without paying, tak...
op 2020-11-06 22:25:55 door jcgoble3
Vind ik leuks: 8
Waardering: 13.10)
With only four challeges how could players with no money to use for the game or time to get coins and other items. I think that they should add some more challeges. I play other games and they have specail seasonal things. I would like to have season...
op 2020-11-06 21:55:52 door kman901
Vind ik leuks: 3
Waardering: 4.81)
Poháru národů S39 4. týden - Zisk důležitých bodů
Zdravím všechny u 4. přehledu dění a výsledků z Poháru národů. Naše reprezentace zatím prožívala týdny plné dobrých výsledků zamíchaných s těmi smolnými, a taky možná proto vyhlížela návrat Richarda Nebeského ml. do sestavy, tak se pojďme podívat, ja...
op 2020-11-06 12:04:29 door Koruzi
Vind ik leuks: 1
Waardering: 1.77)
Sèrie privada CEF40
El dilluns ha començat la sèrie privada CEF40. Aquesta prova s’ha consolidat al calendari dels pilots espanyols i que serveix de plataforma per impulsar-se a la Copa de Nacions.
Aquesta edició vol retre homenatge a aquells circuits històrics de F1...
op 2020-11-06 08:52:34 door Miki1972
Vind ik leuks: 4
Waardering: 7.31)
Nuevos desengaños
Si hace unos días contábamos como la clasificación de Secundino Pérez en la serie mundial de F3 esta empeorando tras un prometedor inicio, la cosa no ha mejorado.
Tras no puntuar en la semana de Ethar Creek, el turolense emepzaba en Brands Hatch ...
op 2020-11-05 20:03:46 door radekdeboktor
Vind ik leuks: 9
Waardering: 16.10)