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Paziņojumi presei - Very Important Announcement (Mercedes Benz West)

Very Important Announcement (Mercedes Benz West)

Now that the new year is over, it's time to get back to business and try to snatch 3rd place from Constructors Championship from Lotus. Car is quick , and even jokingly some top team drivers have written to me, that is it too late to drive for you this season still?

But other news:

I want to thank everyone for these past 9 seasons. We started this journey together and we will finish it together. After this season the chapter and the story ends for myself.

After the end of this season I will be stepping down as the team manager of Mercedes Benz West Formula One team.

I want to thank everyone for making Mercedes the success what it truly was.

All the people I have met and managers who I've worked with even when I was assistant you guys are my friends and it was honor to meet you all

We still have one final chapter to finish , so let's end things with honor and try to snatch 3rd place from Constructors Championship

Mercedes Benz West

Team Manager


2025-01-01 06:37:13 datumā, lietotājs Sir_ErikSalama
Patīk: 8 | Reitings: 9.31

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