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The business is business and the demand dictates the prices. That is the case for the suppliers engine prices too. These price have been changed lately and will count for next season. Engine prices dropped obviously due to a low demand from teams and also engineers in supplier factories brought some slight improvements. The prices of all suppliers will be changed in the future depending on the demand.

There is a rare occasion to become an owner of the good team shares. Team McLaren ended 7th in last seasons constructor championship and is currently 5th in this season standings. Little more than 9% of shares is now available in auction! Check auction here!

Now you can find history of the F1 teams from teams profiles. From the history page you can find previous car liveries, logos, names, managers, drivers, stats, etc. So it's easy to compare how teams have succeed during last seasons.

We also fixed few bugs. We had a weird bug with owners employees. Team manager took employee to the team but suddenly that employee disappeared from the team. We fixed this and now everything should work right. We had also bug with uploading car liveries for Formula 1 cars. This bug should be also fixed and teams which had problems with this should try it again.

And we added new rule to the rules page. It's the last one under "Game Rules" category. This rule was added to avoid chaos in the forum in the future if somebody disagree with gamemasters/admins.

That's all this time! Good luck for your races! :)

by Arskap
Tulkotājs: lxfor123
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