1 基本ルール
- ルールを逸脱することは固く禁止されています。
- 管理者はプレイヤーがルールを破っているかどうかを判断する権利を持ちます。
- ルールを破ったことに対するペナルティは管理者によって決定されます。
- これら規則でカバーされないあらゆる状況は管理者によって判断され解決されます。
- ゲーム中の文章が翻訳によって文意が英語版と異なっている場合、有効とみなされるのは英語版のものです。翻訳によって生じた誤解は認められません。
2 ゲームルール
- 同一の人物が複数のアカウントを持つ事は認められていません。
- マネージャーはコインによるいかなる利益も得ることができません。
- 全てのプレーヤーはゲーム内で有利になるようなバグを見つけた際、それを公式に報告する義務を負います。
- A manager cannot buy coins using another manager's account if it results in a manager receiving some special bonuses or referral provisions.
- レースの結果や順位を意図的に操作することは固く禁じられています。
- 他のプレーヤーにコインを譲渡するなどして、レース結果を操作することは禁止されています。
- It is forbidden to dispute gamemasters decisions on public pages of the game.
- プロキシやVPNのような接続や、ツールを用いてプレイヤーのIPアドレスを隠すことはチート行為とみなし、禁止します。
3 F1レギュレーション
- It is allowed to have ownership share in one Formula 1 team and have a driver racing for another team, but it is not allowed to intentionally manipulate with results to help one or another team. In such case the creators (or delegated committee) have the right to investigate the case and have right to force the user to sell his ownership.
- It is forbidden to request a manager to become a fan of a Formula 1 team via private messages if the manager has been in the game less than 1 month or the manager is already a fan of the another Formula 1 team already.
- A manager who received shares as a gift should not sell them afterwards. If a manager goes ahead and sells these gifted shares, and a complaint is then made by the original owner of these shares, then measures will be taken.
- If a shareholder who received his/her shares as a gift becomes inactive, the original owner of these shares may request them back. This transfer costs 5 coins.
4 Promoting Rules
- A manager cannot ask some other people to register to the game several times using a referral link.
5 フォーラムのルール
- マネージャーはいかなる場合でも、ゲーム内で暴言や公共風俗に反する言葉を使用することを禁止されています。
- スパムはご遠慮下さい。
- 当ゲームはプレーヤーの違法行為に関する責任を負いません。
- 他のユーザーを不快にさせる言動は絶対にお止め下さい。
- スタッフの許可がある場合を除き、ゲーム内で外部サイトの宣伝をすることは固く禁じられています。
- Every Formula 1 team can have it's own topic for their Fan Club on the International forum and one topic on the national forum.
6 ゲームルール
6.1 ベストプレスメンバー
- 参加者は同時に複数の言語に参加することはできません。
- To win the manager's press release, one has to have the best rating of that language when admins are rewarding press releases after application of rating deduction for winners of previous 4 rounds. Deduction is as follows: 50% for winner of last round, 30% deduction for winner 2 rounds ago, 20% deduction for winner 3 rounds ago and 10% deduction for winner 4 rounds ago.
- To win there must be at least 2 press releases from 2 unique managers, sometimes a good enough rating is not enough. There is exception to this rule available in exceptional cases.
- To win a manager's press release, it cannot be too short, it must be over 500 letters or over 100 words long.
- To win a manager's press release, it needs to have at least 3 likes.
- To win a manager's press release it cannot be translated using google translator or any other translating system.
- To win a manager cannot advertise his press release to managers if those managers do not speak the language that is used in that press release.
- A 'like' from a more experienced manager has a bigger influence on a press release rating than a 'like' from a novice.
7 代役ログイン
- Substitute Login allows user to leave control of his account to his friend for limited time.
- User who wants to set his substitute needs to be Superlicense holder.
- Substitute can login to User`s account for limited time only which is set to 21 days since first login. This is also called Substitute Login Window.
- After Substitute Login Window another Substitute login is possible after 30 days. This is also called Substitute Login Cooldown.
- User can close Substitute Login Window earlier than 21 days after first Substitute login. In such case Substitute Login Cooldown starts immediately.
- User can login to his account anytime during this Superlicense Login Window.
8 罰則の種類
- マネージャーアカウントの強制削除
- 該当IPアドレスのブロック
- マネージャーのデバイスからのアクセス禁止
- 追放
- プライベートメッセージ機能凍結
9 Activity Rewards
- Day of activity is based on MRC day. It starts and ends at 05:00AM of the Cental European Time, the same time as the MRC day ends. It is the same for all users.
- Missing an activity during the day and losing consecutive days playing stats cannot be replaced by the game administrators action.