Asia serie dokončení a vstup do světa F2
V posledním závodě serie, do kterého vstupoval český zástupce L.Kubka se stejným počtem bodů jako Rus Galimov spolu oba piloti v přímém souboji havarovali. Zůstali tedy na svých místech i po definitivním konci šampionátu. galimov udržel třetí místo a...
on 2012-12-02 09:48:15 by czluku
いいね!の数: 0
評価: 0.00)
Season 2 Announcement
Soon to be nineteen year old Fabrício Cruz will once again participate in the F3 Mediterranean Series next season, the team manager explains the decision:
"F... has evolved alot during the course of the season, especially in the last 2 race w...
on 2012-12-01 12:23:34 by bornelas
いいね!の数: 2
評価: 1.94)
Franchi pakt gigantisch goede 2e plaats in Most Autodrom!
Greg Franchi heeft op Vrijdag 30-11-´12 z´n 1ste podium sinds een lange tijd gehaald. Hij finishte +0,667 seconden achter de Australiër Marshall. Hij heeft al laten weten dat hij hier zeer tevreden mee is.
on 2012-11-30 14:46:49 by vitaphone97
いいね!の数: 0
評価: 0.00)
Bolid F2
W dniu dzisiejszym nasz kierowca otrzymał nowiutki model F2 :)
W przyszłym sezonie Robert Kubica wystąpi właśnie w tej serii sezonowej, liczymy na bardzo dobre wyniki w nowym, świetnym pojeździe!
on 2012-11-29 17:50:23 by komanch
いいね!の数: 3
評価: 4.64)
Kunnianosoitus Rosbergille ja Järvilehdolle
Kyllä se on totta, aiemmin Teukka Salamana tunnettu Suomen ranking nelonen on kuin onkin ottanut suomalaisen etunimen käyttöön ja siinä samalla vaihtoi naimakaupan myötä sukunimensäkin suomalaisemmaksi. Kysytäänpä kuskiltamme mikä tämän tempauksen t...
on 2012-11-29 16:50:43 by TeukkaSalama
いいね!の数: 1
評価: 0.00)
Léa Poucette need your help !!
She said after winning at Singapore. "Help by taking your great license.
Debik, Arskapp, and all the staff of this game made some great work. Formula 2 and Cups are magnificent. I think that, us, the enthusiasts, we have to all take the super l...
on 2012-11-29 14:58:40 by ArverneF1
いいね!の数: 6
評価: 6.62)
F2-Oceanie Series
Team Lukas bude mít svého zástupce ve Formuli 2. Bude jím Lukáš Soldán, který okusí Oceanie Series. Přejeme mu hodně úspěchů a pravidelné dojíždění na bodovaných pozicích.
on 2012-11-28 22:25:04 by LukasPunk
いいね!の数: 3
評価: 4.10)
Great job Guys !!
Let's just thank the designers and developers of this game for the great job they did !
on 2012-11-28 21:09:20 by JordanF1
いいね!の数: 9
評価: 11.49)
Serie Personalizzate - Africa Bulawayo - Gara Fantastica
Nella serie personalizzata, ed in particolare nella gara di Africa Bulawayo, il team di zhanco, dopo una pessima qualifica 30°posizione, in gara recupera tutte le posizioni terminando la gara al 1° posto. Il team e il pilota sono increduli e feliciss...
on 2012-11-28 15:14:58 by zhanco
いいね!の数: 2
評価: 2.11)
Chorvatská serie
Chorvatskou serii ovládl Lukas Jerala, když už v pátečním sprintu si dojel pro vítěztsví. V nedělním závodě, který byl v druhé části zasažen deštěm nastala exibice již jistého vítěze a na druhého v cíli činil náskok kolem minuty a pul, ostatní měli u...
on 2012-11-27 17:52:11 by LukasPunk
いいね!の数: 5
評価: 5.69)
1. sezona godam beigusies!
Jā... sezona paskrēja pat nemanot. Sezona beidzās Biķerniekos, kur pirmajā sacīkstē uzvaru svinēja B. Laipa, kurš arī uzvarēja otrajā sacīkstē! Manam pilotam 8.vieta un 2.vieta.
Apsveicu Latvijas sērijas uzvarētāju Benaru Laipu! Otro vietu, atpalie...
on 2012-11-26 21:17:07 by Artis15
いいね!の数: 0
評価: 0.00)
Suzuka Revenge
Last Rookie race of the season for De Peppis, again in Suzuka, after the last week where he caught only disappointments.
But this time it was a great session, starting with the first Pole Position in career, and an awesome and never in doubt victory...
on 2012-11-26 09:25:48 by McPeppolo
いいね!の数: 1
評価: 0.67)
The teams from Auvergne in great form!
Mr Danjou, President of the Automobile Club of Auvergne: "we are very satisfied with results of our 3 teams. Léa Poucette is astonishing, "The Martian", De Montferrand also, and Antoine Poucette, in spite of its debuts this year gained...
on 2012-11-25 20:51:48 by ArverneF1
いいね!の数: 2
評価: 2.62)
F3 European Series
At the beginning of last weekend in European Series it seemed like Tommi wouldn't get single podiumplace during whole season. But miracles happen. At the end of the series, in the very last race Tommi finally got good race and won final race from the...
on 2012-11-25 20:39:06 by Dable
いいね!の数: 3
評価: 4.54)
Mediterranean Series - Torrenti gets the final 2nd place!
Mark L. Torrenti conquers the final 2nd place in the Mediterranean Series! Great pathos in the ultimate race at Valencia, where Torrenti collects his first retirement of the season opening a big door to his main opponent, Marone, for a very last resc...
on 2012-11-25 19:31:33 by MarkLRivers
いいね!の数: 2
評価: 3.26)