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Čeština Katastrofa, aneb trápení ve druhé půlce sezóny Před posledním závodem premiérové sezóny Indy Series jsme pro vás připravili krátký rozhovor s K. Elem jezdcem týmu K.EL racing. Ve druhé půlce sezóny se vám nedaří, spadl jste ze čtvrté příčky na příčku osmou. Proč? Naším problémem jsou kvalifik...
on 2013-04-25 14:05:11 by Krisna - いいね!の数: 1 | 評価: 1.62)
English Team Merkel wants to bounce back Well last week s disappointing weekend proved what a lot of analyst had suggested already - Angela Merkel is yet not as good as everybody thinks the young driver is. Especially the extra pressure, put on him by his management by stating they expect t...
on 2013-04-24 10:19:03 by Fixboy - いいね!の数: 2 | 評価: 2.77)
Deutsch Benni Pinsi - Erster Sieg Das kam überraschend; Benni Pinsi holt seinen Ersten Sieg am Lausitz-Ring. Schon in der Qualifikation konnte er mit einem 3. Platz überzeugen. Im Rennen selber war er immer in Reichweite zum Führenden. Er hat das Rennen sogar zwischenzeitlich über 9 ...
on 2013-04-24 10:07:56 by Tungdil - いいね!の数: 4 | 評価: 3.04)
Italiano Obiettivi raggiunti E si conclude una stagione molto positiva per Muzzio, che raggiunge tutti gli obiettivi prefissati alla vigilia. Scalata la classifica del ranking, assestandosi al 30° posto mondiale, superate le 80 pole e le 100 vittorie stagionali. Vinta la F...
on 2013-04-23 11:16:40 by ciccioz - いいね!の数: 6 | 評価: 7.42)
Русский Конец сезона. Всем доброго дня! Вот и подходит к концу 3й сезон чемпионатов, и мой 1й полноценны... северо-аме... серии формулы 3 уже точно стал Anthony Ventura. Второе место думаю уже тоже точно займет Reinhard Artmann, который к концу сезона, несмотря на невзра...
on 2013-04-22 11:35:42 by Nightwolf13 - いいね!の数: 6 | 評価: 7.93)
Italiano Tempo di Bilanci Tempo di bilanci per De Peppis: la terza stagione sta per chiudersi, ed è ora di fare due conti e valutare come sta andando la crescita del giovane pilota. Purtroppo a Santa Fe è arrivato il primo ritiro nella Season Series, seguito immediatamente...
on 2013-04-22 09:04:40 by McPeppolo - いいね!の数: 4 | 評価: 5.73)
Français Bluedemme embauche un 4e employé pour faire face aux nouvelles contraintes Suite aux futurs changements du règlement, par lesquels les séries ne fourniront plus les mécaniciens manquants, l'équipe de Ricky Dean a décidé de prendre les devants avant la fin de la saison 3 en embauchant un mécanicien. Leur choix s'est porté su...
on 2013-04-21 20:26:52 by Bluedemme - いいね!の数: 3 | 評価: 5.17)
English Vanderpuije wraps up F3 Africa title Vanderpuije has taken the title after a very controlled race saw him take his 9th win of the season. The top three positions have been cemented as Vanderpuije sits atop the standings currently at 345 points, 67 ahead of the quick Italian Emanuele Pir...
on 2013-04-21 16:09:06 by daftkrft - いいね!の数: 2 | 評価: 2.30)
English NOW HIRING Now Hiring. Many Positions Available. No Experience needed. Training available . An Indiana/USA based Formula 3 race team looking to fill variety of positions. Must have valid passport . Travel to Historic and Exotic locations world-wide . F...
on 2013-04-21 00:51:54 by ArkAngel - いいね!の数: 8 | 評価: 9.58)
Latviešu Sezona! Sveiki! Sen neesmu rakstījis, bet varu pateikt to, ka Matīsam Jaunzemam veicas ļoti labi savā karjerā! Pēdējā sacīkstē viņš pirmo reizi iebrauca TOP 10 un izcīnija 8 vietu. Viņš pēc šīs sacīkstes to atzīmēja, bet nepāršāva pār mēru! Viņš ir ļoti laim...
on 2013-04-20 21:15:02 by MDK321 - いいね!の数: 1 | 評価: 1.81)
Deutsch Eduardo Diesel setzt nächstes Ausrufezeichen! Am Anfang der 3. Saison von My Racing Career entschied sich der erst 18 jährige Eduardo Diesel gegen den Start bei der Rookie Driver Series. Stattdessen startete er seine Karriere direkt in einer offiziellen Rennserie, der F3 German Series. Ihm war b...
on 2013-04-20 09:02:14 by edis10 - いいね!の数: 3 | 評価: 1.28)
Magyar 16.hely után 1. hely Az ifjú Barna Gergő 1.lett és a másodikat 10 másodpercel verte.Ez a hely nagy csoda lett a 16. hely után 1.lett különben már az is csoda volt hogy 7.helyről induét
on 2013-04-19 22:06:27 by Farina03 - いいね!の数: 3 | 評価: 0.36)
Magyar Jelenről és Jövőről Üdvözlök mindenkit! Ebben a cikkben megtudhatjátok, hogyan teljesít a pilótám: Talmácsi Norbert, és szó fog esni a közeli és a távolabbi jövőről is! Jelenről: A pilótám az idei szezonban, az Újonc sorozatban versenyez kisebb - nagyobb sikerre...
on 2013-04-19 17:42:57 by BZoltan - いいね!の数: 3 | 評価: 5.17)
English 2nd Victory for Merkel Young driver Angela Merkel was celebrating her 2nd victory today. Although being only in a custom series this win gives the whole enough confidence to perform good at the Formula 2 African Series this weekend and have a good chance to claim the numbe...
on 2013-04-18 22:26:26 by Fixboy - いいね!の数: 2 | 評価: 1.35)
English Saudi Arabia's only hope Nemi Al Sumani has been hired to the team due to his sheer ability to race well. Already in his first week in the sport, Nemi has picked up two rookie wins and stands to collect on another two with two races in the United States to contest yet, altho...
on 2013-04-18 17:45:53 by HerakofSA - いいね!の数: 1 | 評価: 0.33)
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