Oud gedaan is jong geleerd
Na 7 Nederlandse kampioenschappen en 84 overwinningen en 65 jaar later Is het zo ver
Kleinzoon Yves Einhaus gaat in de voetsporen treden van zijn vader (Bennie Einhaus) en zijn grootvader (Jan Einhaus)
We spraken met de hele generatie over de pass...
on 2014-12-21 00:09:53 by YvesEinhaus
いいね!の数: 4
評価: 4.62)
DTM: Schimbări importante în sezonul 2015
Organizatorul Campionatului German de Turisme va opera schimbări importante în sezonul 2015.
Pentru prima dată după 13 ani, în fiecare week-end din DTM se vor desfășura câte două curse. Prima va fi sâmbăta, iar cea de a doua duminica.
Formatul ...
on 2014-12-20 20:27:49 by DoRuF1
いいね!の数: 1
評価: 1.62)
Kalembene says Wheeler should've waited a bit longer
Wais Kalembene who is also a victim of bad luck wants to say his opinion on Wheeler giving up on racing 'I think Nick is a fantastic driver but I think it was too early to decide what will happen next, maybe he could've got himself into Formula 2 or ...
on 2014-12-20 19:48:15 by ThatFPM8Guy
いいね!の数: 5
評価: 8.10)
Mooie inhaal race Kees Staal
Na een slechte kwalificatie in Dutch F3 series reed Kees Staal een goeie inhaal race. Na een twintigste start plek lag hij na 5 rondes al mooi twaalfde op het mooie circuit Spa-Francorchamps. Na 7 rondes kwam de safety car op de baan, waardoor Kees m...
on 2014-12-19 22:04:20 by Dionsta02
いいね!の数: 2
評価: 2.72)
TRABANT unveils Season 12 chassis
With a small official ceremony the TRABANT F1 Racing Team has today at its historical site the Sachsenring, unveiled the the new chassis for the next season.
Although final integration tests with the engine have not been performed yet, well inform...
on 2014-12-19 13:17:11 by Fixboy
いいね!の数: 4
評価: 6.94)
I feel your pain, man.
There seems to be a lot of that going around.....
Good luck!
on 2014-12-17 09:57:48 by Lee1950
いいね!の数: 2
評価: 3.45)
Skupite 20 novcica, kupite privatni auto i uzivajte u trkama! :)
Odgovor mozete poslati klikom na dugme "reakcija" i kao naslov napisati "odgovor" i u tekstu dati Vas odgovor na postavljeno pitanje!
Nagrada: 3 novcica za 1. ...
on 2014-12-16 13:54:16 by FERNANDOf1ALONSO
いいね!の数: 1
評価: 0.18)
Pavel Křesák v F3 Europe Series
Naše mladá naděje Pavel Křesák pokračuje po minulé úspěšné bronzové účasti v F3 Central Europe postupem do F3 Europe Series. Jako nováček měl v této sérii za hlavní cíl umistování v Top 10. Po prvních závodech to o tento boj i vypadalo, ale po pár pr...
on 2014-12-15 20:53:21 by Lasic
いいね!の数: 6
評価: 10.10)
Starker Zwischenspurt von Trabant
Nachdem es zu Saisobeginn so aussah als ob der Wechsel von Ford zu Ferrari, Trabant nicht unbedingt weitergebracht hat, hat das Team in den letzten Wochen mit sehr guten Resultaten aufhorchen lassen. Herausragend dabei natürlich der 5. Platz von Schn...
on 2014-12-15 13:24:08 by Fixboy
いいね!の数: 10
評価: 13.54)
Coulthard a câștigat Cursa Campionilor 2014
David Coulthard a obținut în Barbados prima victorie din carieră în Cursa Campionilor. Scoțianul l-a învins în finală pe germanul Pascal Werhlein, cel mai tânăr învingător de etapă din istoria DTM-ului.
Coulthard a câștigat două din cele trei curs...
on 2014-12-15 08:56:18 by DoRuF1
いいね!の数: 0
評価: 0.00)
F2 World: Merkel got robbed again
The last F2 World Series Weekend saw German driver Angela Merkel being robbd again by a random event, causing his early retirement in the second race. This makes it now 6 out of 7 weekends where Merkel did not finish both races.
It his highly frust...
on 2014-12-15 08:10:06 by Fixboy
いいね!の数: 9
評価: 14.68)
Wheeler Watch 2014
As soon as the interview with Wheeler was published the three Rage Originals started trying to contact him. His phone was off, his GPS locator watch was non functional, we even tried a carrier pidgeon, nothing worked. Nick was off the grid in more w...
on 2014-12-15 02:28:05 by thedonz
いいね!の数: 8
評価: 13.13)
Pronto al debutto?
.... mhà... per adesso non si sà ancora come fare e come organizzare tutto quanto ma siamo qui per fare esperienza prima di tutto... vedremo ne prossimi giorni
on 2014-12-14 22:58:28 by DorianDarkfire
いいね!の数: 0
評価: 0.00)
Goodbye Nick
After the announcement that Wheeler was going to quit racing in the Formula series, everyone expected a response from the racing community. Perhaps more than anything the world expected the other Rage drivers to speak up. But the other members of Rag...
on 2014-12-14 12:45:44 by Azureika
いいね!の数: 6
評価: 9.73)
Valtteri Sinisalon seuraava etappi
Suomalainen nuorukaiskuski Valtteri Sinisalo ilmoittaa poikkeuksellisesti jo paljon ennen kauden loppua tietävänsä ensi kauden sarjansa. "F2 Africa Series on urani seuraava etappi. Ensi kausi on kuitenkin jo urani neljäs kausi, joten koemme mana...
on 2014-12-14 10:47:26 by FinnishGuy
いいね!の数: 6
評価: 10.39)