Formula 1 & Motorcycle News!
Hi mates! We have finally ready with most of things for F1 and started working with new stuff. Some small features will come to F1 later but mostly it's ok now.
English @ 2014-06-03
Formula 1 Commissioner Elected
This is the announcement of the new commissioner for Formula 1. And there is also some important information about last days of this season. Read more inside the article!
English @ 2014-05-23
Best Press Release Writers Rewarded! #30, #31 & #32
Hi guys! This time you can find winners of last 3 rounds from this news. Because of personal busyness i haven't had time to write article about winners but today it was luckily possible.
English @ 2014-05-18
Formula 1 Sponsors
Hi mates! We launched yesterday sponsors for Formula 1 teams and most of you got the first offers today. In this news we would like to tell you more about those offers.
English @ 2014-05-16
More news about Formula 1!
Hi mates, this time we are going to present many features for you. Some of those features have been already launched and you are able to check them straight away but you can read also something about coming and planned features from this news.
English @ 2014-05-08
Search for Formula 1 Commisioner
Hi as I already talked about before I am thinking of joining F1 as a driver for the first season. Therefore we need to find somebody independent who would solve all the possible troubles during that season. We would call this person F1 commisioner. You can apply too, read more in the article!
English @ 2014-04-15
Formula 1 - More Answers for Managers
Arskap got the task to collect questions from you and I am now responding to all of that questions. So every team manager would have now all clear. I hope :) Read carefully! And if you have more questions, send them to Arskap and we will respond in later news!
English @ 2014-04-04
Best Press Release Writers Rewarded! #28 & #29
Hi mates! This time we have winners of rounds 28 and 29 listed. Next time is already 30th round when we are rewarding the best press releases so we hope to see as many press releases from you as possible! You can find winners of latest rounds from this article.
English @ 2014-04-03
F1: Car Parts Development
Hi guys, this article is abotu explaining what you can do with your development teams, how should you prepare the car parts and how the system works. See in the article :)
English @ 2014-03-27
Formula 1 Financial System
I would like to explain you some key features of the Formula 1 financial system. It will be very important for the future and for your current planning. Read carefully in the article!
English @ 2014-03-22