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AboutBlogTermini di serviziopolitica sulla riservatezza
Deutsch Wahl zum Präsidenten des Nationalen Verbandes Hiermit möchte ich euch auf die Wahl zum Amt des Präsidenten des Nationalen Verbandes hinweisen,was zurzeit stattfindet. Kand... sind: GerdReiche D... dem folgeden Link kommt ihr zur Wahlseite. http://w... auf Rege Teilnahme. Mit Feudlichem ...
il 2016-06-27 16:28:29 da GerdReiche - Mi piace: 2 | Valutazione: 3.03)
Português, Brasil [Copinha] Moraes é o primeiro campeão O veterano Mario Moraes colocou a mão na taça da Copa Brasil com antecedência. Faltando apenas uma corrida para o final do certame, o piloto da Pinda Racing lidera com 54 pontos à frente de Tony Hoffmann, segundo colocado, que só pode conquistar o má...
il 2016-06-27 15:52:32 da jeansapia - Mi piace: 8 | Valutazione: 11.17)
Português, Brasil Fã clube WAR Bom dia, tarde ou Noite, é com imensa satisfação que agora faço parte da equipe WAR de F1, juntos com outros companheiros brasileiros e portugueses e de outras nações. Avante WAR !!!
il 2016-06-27 15:02:43 da EmersonTutu - Mi piace: 6 | Valutazione: 7.96)
English Rui B. Martins, a big portuguese name retires As season 18 comes to an end, the renowned portuguese driver Rui B. Martins confirms the rumors about his career coming to an end by announcing his retirement. The former F1 WAR driver was looking pretty comfortable with the decision as he addressed ...
il 2016-06-27 13:23:06 da toturi - Mi piace: 10 | Valutazione: 18.45)
Italiano Stagione conclusa in F2!! Il giovane pilota C.Luce termina la propria stagione nella F2 Africa Serie,uscendo soddisfatto del proprio risultato. Come comunicato ad inizio stagione il suo obbiettivo minimo era entrare in top15,nonostante la sua posizione nella graduatoria iniz...
il 2016-06-27 12:25:29 da CarmineLuce - Mi piace: 3 | Valutazione: 4.93)
Slovenščina Sklep sezone 18 (zadnji teden): Mejak končal na 3. mestu Indy Junior International: Dare Klun 3. in 2. mesto, v seštevku končal na 4. mestu. World Touring Car Series (WTCS): Anže Ožbolt 8., 8. in 8. mesto, v seštevku končal na 8. mestu. Formula 2 Africa: Janez Prosenik 18. mesto in odstop,...
il 2016-06-27 10:19:06 da Darac - Mi piace: 0 | Valutazione: 0.00)
Français Une première saison réussie !!! Il y a peu, je vous parlais d’un jeune pilote au prénom célèbre participant aux « Formula 3 Dutch Series » et qui cherchait à se faire un nom. Alors que le dernier drapeau à damier vient d’être agité, c’est un manager souriant qui nous accueille pour...
il 2016-06-27 10:05:33 da Olivier - Mi piace: 10 | Valutazione: 16.23)
English Trabant launches S19 campaign After the conclusion of the 18th season which saw Trabant F1 Racing finish 9th overall, the team introduced the new car for the 19th season to the international press community. After the best finish ever in the team standings the team is hoping to b...
il 2016-06-27 07:56:57 da Fixboy - Mi piace: 9 | Valutazione: 16.19)
English The Big Let down is over. Aaron Foyt started with such promise and hope.. But as the early season struggles to find his grove in Benelux Series hung around until week 6 still finding himself out of the top 10 at 11.. Week 7 brought his some consistence as he managed to fini...
il 2016-06-27 02:44:55 da TerryWilson - Mi piace: 3 | Valutazione: 5.36)
English MyRacingCareer Sponsored Driver For fun I approached the Makers of the game and asked permission to sponsor a young driver. They let me. He is a little league driver and is in 8th grade; so the young kid is having fun and driving in a minor series. Preston won a heat race rece...
il 2016-06-26 23:53:41 da LoyalW - Mi piace: 8 | Valutazione: 14.21)
Suomi Uusilla vesillä Ensimmäinen kausi Euroopassa on nyt takanapäin. Markus Nummi teki siitä uransa tuloksellisesti varmimman kauden. Kahta keskeytystä lukuunottamatta jokaisessa kilpailussa pisteillä ja yhtä 11:tta sijaa lukuunottamatta jokaisessa aika-ajossa vähintään ...
il 2016-06-26 22:32:05 da Markkamake - Mi piace: 7 | Valutazione: 13.08)
English Helm Retires Sebastian Helm, 26, has announced his departure from Chris Hancox's racing team and from the world of racing. Following several successful seasons, including finishing 2nd to Jonas Gudas in British F3, Helm is looking for a new challenge outside of m...
il 2016-06-26 22:31:32 da ChrisHancox - Mi piace: 4 | Valutazione: 6.99)
English S19 F1 Driver Lineup Jordan 1.Damon Michael Novikov (RUS) 2.Bretislav Zatacka (CZE) McLaren 3.Rocco Rapido (SWI) 4.Guido Di Rado (ITA) Red Bull 5.Romain Louis Grosjean Jr (FRA) 6.Alexandre De Montferrand (FRA) Williams 7.Sandor Torghelle (HUN) 8.Peter Rychly...
il 2016-06-26 20:46:43 da PanagiotisMazarakis - Mi piace: 11 | Valutazione: 19.03)
Čeština Pojďme pomoci FERRARI!!! Jak jistě víte, Česko a Slovensko má v F1 dva týmy. Tedy Jordan ovládaný Českem a Ferrari ovládaný Slovenskem. Možná jste si všimli, že za jeden z těchto týmu jezdí nový šampion F1 Damon Michael Novikov, to je tým Jordán. Ale co tým Ferrari? J...
il 2016-06-26 18:53:31 da Luclys - Mi piace: 6 | Valutazione: 9.62)
Español Llamp vuelve a la carga con un nuevo y joven talento El ya veterano mánager Llamp, después de unas temporadas sabáticas, mejor dicho para estudiar, vuelve al mundo del motor, retirando a su anterior piloto Neil Watts, que no se sentía suficientemente motivado. En su lugar, tenemos al jovenzísimo piloto...
il 2016-06-26 17:08:45 da llamp - Mi piace: 8 | Valutazione: 12.28)
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