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Português Associação Nacional - Brasil A criação da nossa Associação Nacional está há poucos passos de ser efetivada. Se você ainda não fez a sua solicitação e gostaria de participar de mais essa novidade do MRC, basta seguir os seguintes passos: Passe o mouse no Menu das bandeirinhas ...
on 2015-03-13 13:50:19 by jeansapia - Suka: 5 | Rating: 8.53)
Čeština Libas Novák a jeho info Je tu další rozhovor s dvacetiletým mladíkem Liborem Novákem. Podle všeho jste představily znovu další typ vašeho auta jaké změny tam tedy jsou? Tak jediná změna byla to že jsme vyměnily šasí. Pro lepší výkon z motoru Volvo jsme zvolily šasí MYG ...
on 2015-03-13 11:14:27 by Luclys - Suka: 8 | Rating: 10.29)
English Kedardere ends career @ top What a way to end a small Racing career for nishantdere!!!!! nishant dere who had a great season 12 ending career on a high.followed with much expected retirement of Nishant Dere He had a great season 12 with 3 top 5 finishes & 6 top 10...
on 2015-03-13 10:51:32 by kedardere - Suka: 2 | Rating: 3.59)
English Consistancy, tactics and a fair share of luck As the 12th season is coming to an end, it's the perfect moment to ask Indy Series standings runner up Jerko Vandenbergh to give his perspective on the ongoing season. A season, which has been outstanding for him, with the unexpected 2nd place in the...
on 2015-03-13 09:07:57 by dziemie - Suka: 6 | Rating: 10.88)
Română Se apropie debutul sezonului în CM de Motociclism Viteză. Aprilia revine după 10 ani Sezonul 2015 din Campionatul Mondial de Motociclism Viteză va adopta moda ultimilor ani şi va aduce câteva noutăţi importante din punct de vedere tehnic şi nu numai. În noul an, diferenţa dintre prototipurile de uzină şi motocicletele subcategoriei O...
on 2015-03-13 06:55:34 by DoRuF1 - Suka: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Français Réaction de Poucette ! Je suis maintenant trop vieux pour courir à haut niveau. Mon pilote assure les fonds de la F1. J'aimerais voir nos élèves dans ce challenge.
on 2015-03-13 00:12:07 by PouretteF1 - Suka: 3 | Rating: 4.82)
Português um novo campeao da formula 1 no futurp o pedro vem desde de cerdo no kart em pernambuco ganhando holofotes ele la foi 5 vezes ganhou la o campeaonato e vai estreia amanha em ribeirao preto valeu e tbm ganhou o br 2 vezes
on 2015-03-12 19:33:43 by PedroHenrique - Suka: 1 | Rating: 0.00)
English Two classy guys even though I'm no longer active with F1 and HamrHedZ, I'd also like to acknowledge these two classy gentlemen!! It was a pleasure working with you when we were all on the team, and I look forward to meeting you both on the starting grids in the...
on 2015-03-12 07:19:59 by Lee1950 - Suka: 8 | Rating: 12.65)
Français Nouveauté pour la saison 13 : la Coupe des Nations Comme vous avez peut être pu le voir, le début de la prochaine saison marquera l'entrée d'une nouvelle compétition : la Coupe des Nations. Ce championnat organisera 5 courses par semaine et ce sera - en principe - à l'ensemble des licenciés de vote...
on 2015-03-11 17:37:35 by Krinkle - Suka: 7 | Rating: 12.02)
Română Salt către Formula 1! Robert Vişoiu va concura în GP2 Series din sezonul 2015 Pilotul român Robert Vişoiu (19 ani) va concura în sezonul 2015 în GP2 Series pentru echipa italiană Rapax, potrivite oficial al competiţiei automobilistice. ... să reprezint România în 2015 în GP2 Series - antecamera Formulei 1! Mulţumesc tuturor...
on 2015-03-11 09:37:10 by DoRuF1 - Suka: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
English Daniel Nearly Takes Pole at Valenciana The weather met for a perfect qualifying condition at the Circuit de Valencia, which hosts the Rookie Series for the next few days. It's always a treat to see the newest talent go head to head as they work their way to the ultimate prize, Formula One...
on 2015-03-10 22:57:59 by adams008 - Suka: 5 | Rating: 7.18)
English Wheeler Calls for American Drivers Earlier this season, American Rage driver, Nick Wheeler gave some insight on American racing. With the announcement of the Nations' Cup yesterday, we reached out to Wheeler to see if he would be bidding for a role on the American team. Jason Anderson...
on 2015-03-10 20:37:27 by nwheel - Suka: 11 | Rating: 17.08)
English HamrHedZ Bids Adieu HamrHedZ bids adieu After many seasons HamrHedZ will not be renewing contracts with our current Drivers Romadov and Cheever . After many , many seasons of loyally fulfilling their driving tasks There comes a time when a break is needed . ...
on 2015-03-10 15:38:51 by ArkAngel - Suka: 10 | Rating: 17.57)
Suomi Tapahtumia kerrakseen Paljon on tapahtunut suomalaiskuski Valtteri Sinisalolle sitten viime lehdistötiedotteen. Tuloksena on mm. voitto ilmaissarjan kisasta ja parantuneet otteet Indy Junior USA - kausisarjassa, jossa hän majailee tällä hetkellä sijalla 8. Se on yllättäny...
on 2015-03-10 14:33:02 by FinnishGuy - Suka: 4 | Rating: 6.72)
English Disappointment after Striver's retirement The rumours that Striver has been considering retirement have been around for a while, but it was still I shock for me when I read the news this morning. The day after the Nations Cup series had been announced, this is a big blow to the UK team. I...
on 2015-03-10 11:29:43 by RH0258 - Suka: 4 | Rating: 7.08)
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