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English F1 Power Rankings S25: Week IV Hi again guys, time for the week IV update of the MRC F1 Power Rankings! Woo hoo..right?! Hehehe. So here we go again. Here are the Power Rankings update with 8 MRC F1 GPs ran. Formula Explanation: Power Ranking is calculated in five steps (se...
on 2017-11-08 14:15:34 by Tigerman - Suka: 5 | Rating: 9.53)
Čeština Pohár národů S25 4.týden - tenká línie Čtvrtý týden byl pro naše barvy fantastický. Všem se dařilo a všichni dojeli na velmi vysokých místech a díky tomu jsme se dostali do tenké línie dokonce až k druhému celkovému umístění. Což je super pecka a moc dobře se na to dívá. Průběžné pořad...
on 2017-11-08 12:53:19 by Ludwei - Suka: 5 | Rating: 9.10)
Italiano Esperienza in Indy Junior Quest'esperienza in Indy Junior sta procedendo bene, anzi molto bene direi. Per ora siamo oltre le aspettative, con un pilota che non si è mai qualificato oltre la terza posizione ed ha ottenuto 4/6 volte un piazzamento in gara tra i primi due - di ...
on 2017-11-08 11:50:29 by CarmineLuce - Suka: 8 | Rating: 12.16)
English Competition: Create your Porsche livery! As Porsche experienced taste of first victory this season and 2 further podium finishes, I want to invite you all to take part of livery competition. Create your Porsche livery for S26 car! Requirements: Livery must contain Porsche logo or text...
on 2017-11-07 12:46:03 by Darac - Suka: 3 | Rating: 5.65)
Français Baku F1 : 1er Doublé RedBull Vaillante F1 (Graff/Poucette) ! C'est fait, à Baku nos deux compères signent leur premier doublé de la saison. Poucette reste en tête du Championnat F1 avec 2 victoires et Graff, le rejoint à la 2ème place avec 3 victoires. Nos deux jeunes pilotes ne se laissent vraiment pas ...
on 2017-11-07 10:28:48 by PouretteF1 - Suka: 8 | Rating: 14.43)
English 21 and under champ is who Villanova won 5 of 6 series in the 120 race 6 Continent challenge only Passanti stopped his perfect challenge for all 6 series. Too bad Passanti only raced 2 of the series may have changed the overall. Competitive series Romadov, Jakes, Montane...
on 2017-11-07 05:27:19 by BradleyBundy - Suka: 5 | Rating: 8.86)
Português, Brasil VI Superkibe 01 | 161 | Roger Relâmpago 02 | 120 | Rafael Drummond 03 | 113 | Asdrubal Pinto 04 | 105 | Emerson Tutu 05 | 097 | Luiz Thomazini
on 2017-11-06 19:05:28 by Rogerius - Suka: 2 | Rating: 3.60)
Português, Brasil Atualização - campeonatos da Associação Brasuca de Automobilismo Após 4 semanas de competições pelo MRC afora, segue uma breve atualização de como andam as competições. IV Campeonato Brasileiro de Ovais 01 | 255 | Roger Relâmpago 02 | 215 | Bruno Correa 03 | 150 | Tony Hoffmann 04 | 126 | Arhtur Almeida ...
on 2017-11-06 18:59:09 by Rogerius - Suka: 6 | Rating: 10.80)
Slovenščina Dvojna slovenska zmaga v DTWS Čas je da ponovno pregledamo dogajanje v DTWS, saj oba slovenska dirkača v tej sezoni nastopata odlično. Po 7. dirkah je zanesljivo v vodstvu Danny Doucet z 145 točkami, na drugem mestu pa se že nahaja Milan Zakrajšek z 101 osvojeno točko. Zakrajšek ...
on 2017-11-06 11:07:48 by torbar4life - Suka: 5 | Rating: 9.29)
Català No anem bé a la Fórmula E Segona temporada però mateixa història per la pilot Heleia Geronès... La catalana ha seguit aquest any a la Fórmula E però per ara els resultats no estan acompanyant. De cara a l'any que ve Geronés s'haurà de pensar en quin campionat còrrer, per tal...
on 2017-11-06 10:14:37 by HeleiaGeronès - Suka: 4 | Rating: 7.23)
English Porsche to ratain Dominguez / Atrumins for season 26 F1 team Porsche Racing confirmed last week to retain both driver for another season. A. Atrumins and F. Dominguez both agreed to sign a new contract with Porsche Racing. That will be their 4th conseccutive season as team-mates, which gives the tea...
on 2017-11-06 09:55:04 by Darac - Suka: 12 | Rating: 22.37)
Català Doblet de Marc Vilanova a la Copa de Nacions d'aquesta setmana. Pole i líder en totes les voltes de les dues curses al circuit de Pannonia a Hongria. Marc Vilanova rubrica una setmana immillorable a la Copa de Nacions, aportant uns punts importants per ajudar a l'equip a consolidar la tercera posició a la classif...
on 2017-11-05 23:49:22 by felson - Suka: 3 | Rating: 5.43)
Español Inicio fulgurante de Montané Parece que la decisión de Marc Montané de seguir en la Fórmula 3 española ha sido acertada. 7 victorias y un cuarto puesto en 8 carreras han catapultado al catalán a un liderato muy firme que le postula como principal candidato al título. Además, Mo...
on 2017-11-05 19:26:34 by JordiMontané - Suka: 6 | Rating: 10.69)
Català Inici fulgurant de Montané Sembla que la decisió de Marc Montané de seguir a la Fórmula 3 espanyola ha estat encertada. 7 victòries i un quart lloc en 8 carreres han catapultat el català a un liderat molt ferm que el postula com a ferm candidat al títol. A més, Montané contin...
on 2017-11-05 19:21:59 by JordiMontané - Suka: 4 | Rating: 7.27)
Slovenščina Porsche z nespremenjeno vozniško zasedbo V preteklem tednu je ekipa Porscheja podaljšala pogodbo z obema voznikoma. Za Latvica bo to že peta sezona v Formuli 1, za Španca pa četrta. Za oba dirkača velja, da sta vso svojo kariero v Formuli 1 preživela pri ekipi Porscheja, čeprav jim ponudb z...
on 2017-11-04 21:25:46 by toxic - Suka: 5 | Rating: 9.29)
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