Keterangan Pers
S37 Week 3-4 Recap
I would like to start by thanking everyone who liked the W1-2 Recap i did, your support encouraged me to do another one, so here is the MRC S37 week 3-4 (Unofficial) Recap where we look into what happend in the last two weeks in the Major MRC series
on 2020-05-18 20:07:49 by Jerryinroblox
Suka: 16
Rating: 26.13)
Piloto Brasileiro na "Copa Central Americana IX"
No dia 18 de Maio de 2020, foi realizado o treino classificatório para as duas primeiras corridas da Copa Central Americana IX, que serão realizadas nos dias 19 e 20 de maio no circuito de Internacional Las Américas na Republica Dominicana.
O piloto...
on 2020-05-18 20:07:13 by TeamFilipe
Suka: 2
Rating: 1.89)
Különleges Magyar Kupa következik
Ahogy azt már megszokhattátok, a szezon utolsó hetében ismét megrendezésre kerül a Magyar Nemzeti Kupa 4 versenyes mini-sorozat, mindenkinek aki eléggé magyarnak érzi magát hozzá... :)
Az a terv, hogy a 10. kiírást a szokásos magyar pályák helyett...
on 2020-05-18 09:09:41 by Boczy
Suka: 4
Rating: 7.74)
Belgen bestormen de Top 100? ... Nog even geduld.
Op dit moment heeft België geen enkele autocoureur in de top 100 van de wereld. Een blik op de nieuw gepubliceerde wereldranglijst doet vermoeden dat dit niet zo hoeft te blijven...
Het valt op dat er in België vooral veel jong talent zit. Of ze u...
on 2020-05-18 07:52:34 by Thisken
Suka: 6
Rating: 7.96)
Pohár národů S37 3.týden - TOP 5 na dosah
Zdravím všechny čtenáře tohoto přehledu kolem dění z Poháru Národů. Omlouvám se, že tento týden vychází až po odjetí celého současného týdne, ale bohužel se toho začíná více kupit na sebe, takže bohužel nemohu zaručit zcela přesné vydání těchto článk...
on 2020-05-17 23:28:41 by Koruzi
Suka: 4
Rating: 7.33)
TCS Benelux Series Assen
De terugkeer in Nederland pakte voor Raymond van de Pol zeer goed uit. In de eerste race op Assen kwam hij als 6e over de streep. Race twee en drie waren nog beter met twee keer de 4e plaats.
In de tussenstand is er wat ruimte gekomen met de numme...
on 2020-05-17 22:37:55 by Pollie
Suka: 0
Rating: 0.00)
Windsor Alliance Racing Endurance Series Launch
Hello everyone, the Windsor Alliance Racing team is launching a new series for our fans & friends. It’s a fresh new concept that we’re trying for the first time. So let me briefly explain how it will work.
Much like our other series we wi...
on 2020-05-17 22:00:27 by Tigerman
Suka: 5
Rating: 7.30)
Windsor Alliance Racing Lança Série de Resistência
Olá a todos, a equipa da Windsor Alliance Racing está a lançar um nova série para os nossos fãs e amigos. Desta feita estamos a experimentar um novo conceito. Portanto deixem-me dar-vos uma breve explicação sobre como irá funcionar.
À semelhan...
on 2020-05-17 22:00:19 by Tigerman
Suka: 3
Rating: 4.71)
Moto 1 Power Rankings - Italy & Catalonia GP
Another week of great fun Moto 1 racing as ended, so time for the Power Ranking update release! ;)
on 2020-05-17 21:28:22 by Tigerman
Suka: 2
Rating: 3.89)
Sautons dans les flaques
Voilà le week-end aux philippines se termine encore mieux qu'espéré. Et pourtant... Le niveau très serré du championnat de Superb Formula auguré rien de bon à la sortie des qualifications.
M... un très bon chrono à 5 dixième derrière le poleman, l...
on 2020-05-17 19:20:54 by EmlinDaw
Suka: 6
Rating: 11.49)
Erstes Podium der Saison
Überraschenderweise konnte Max Neuer gestern am Norisring seinen ersten Podiumsplatz der Saison erreichen. Nach einem starken Qualifying mit Platz 5, profitierte er früh im Rennen von zwei Ausfällen der Konkurrenten und war schon nach 9 Runden auf Pl...
on 2020-05-16 14:57:20 by ARFRPL
Suka: 3
Rating: 5.44)
Amazing success of Vaara on Ferrari in the rainy Canadian F1 GP
Another win for Ferrari, the third of this season, comes in Canada thanks to his Finland ace Lumi Vaara.
Wheather before the start of the GP is very uncertain with a level of humidity that gives the opportunity to choose different startegies. The...
on 2020-05-15 15:26:20 by maxodent
Suka: 7
Rating: 10.90)
Alla scoperta di..
Finalmente è sceso in pista! Si, nemmeno il tempo di spegnere le candeline per il suo 18° compleanno, che il nuovo talento italiano Cristiano Lo Re, ha fatto il suo debutto in pista.
Il giovane ragazzo di Siracusa ha già fatto intravedere spiragli d...
on 2020-05-15 01:01:10 by Sr92lore
Suka: 4
Rating: 5.13)
Inicios complicados
Después de dos subcampeonatos en la NASC Gold Cup, el siguente paso era obvio - la cima del automobilismo. Pero las cosas no estan siendo fáciles para Marc Montané.
El piloto catalán llegó a la Fórmula 1 de la mano de Pegaso como compañero de equi...
on 2020-05-14 13:03:07 by JordiMontané
Suka: 3
Rating: 4.82)
Començaments complicats
Després de dos subcampionats a la NASC Gold Cup, el següent pas era obvi - el cim de l'automobilisme. Però les coses no estan sent fàcils per a Marc Montané.
El pilot català va pujar a la Fórmula 1 de la mà de Pegaso com a company de Marc Vilanova...
on 2020-05-14 12:42:46 by JordiMontané
Suka: 5
Rating: 7.20)