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Keterangan Pers - Arskap cup X for Antoine Poucette !

Arskap cup X for Antoine Poucette !

Helsinki : Winner at the last race this morning on the track of Helsinki, Antoine Poucette (ChardsF3-Honda)won the Trophy of Arskap cup X. "To win this trophy I was obliged to win the two last races. I did it. I am very satisfied for all the team, we have done a great job and we are preparing our new frame, Chards F2. For the motor, we are actually in negociation with constructors." After Léa, the sister, another cup in the family.This family seems to be on the same way as the Andretti's family, 20 years ago ! World Press

on 2012-11-21 13:55:46 by PouretteF1
Suka: 3 | Rating: 2.86

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