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Thank You note

As a new season approaches, Jarbas already misses the F1 circus frenesim.

After awesome 5 seasons with Ferrari, and what glorious 5 season they were, the time to part ways as arrived.

"Red Snake Jarbas" as affectionately was known among the Ferrari krew, would like to thank with all his hearth to all Ferrari family (Owners, managers, team mates, krew and sponsors) for the support he allways got.

After greeting the team mates he had the pleasure of working with (Lumi Vaara - vonMerton; Szilveszter II. Szalonna - iceman88; Dexter Morgan - DexMorgan and Alexey Miller Jr. - Miller), a secial thank is in order to Massimiliano Dentali for believing in Jarbas, for all the efforts made with giving him the best conditions to perform and for being allways there when Jarbas needed.

It's time now to wish all the best to Ferrari on this renovated F1 path and to let the fans know that Jarbas will be chasing a new and exciting challenge on Indy series, where he never raced before but allways made part of his top to do list.

Cheers and have fun racing!

pada 2021-05-07 14:10:05 oleh frenetic
Suka: 17 | Rating: 31.21

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