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Do You Use Customised In-Game Car Names?

Do You Use Customised In-Game Car Names?

If you are superlicense owner you should already know, that in Settings screen you can set your own customised car names. My question is, do you know about this feathure and do you use it?

If you want to see real names like for example "Dallara" instead of F3 - DAL. You should understand that this game is not licensed to use real car names so we cannot put those names directly to the cars, but we have this tool to improve your game experience. You can set any name to any of the cars, but of course it would make sense to use real name to replace our fake car codes.

In best case scenario you use names which are suggested by one of our partner sites OnineSportManagers.com. Whenever we create a new car to the game, they update that code to replace names, you just simply have to copy that code and put it to the right area in Setting screen. Link to the partner page with code can be found on the Settings screen. Code is maintained by our community and it is unofficial.

What do you think about it?

by DebiK
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