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1. daftkrft - 9 票
2.-3. MSJ2000 - 2 票
2.-3. Vanessa83 - 2 票
4. fordknox - 1 票


- 我改变了所有更低级别的F3大奖赛的积分系统。我们想要奖励积分给新秀赛车手,即使他们没有进入前10名,所以我们将使用新秀大奖赛积分系统。
- Voting points finalization will come early in the morning this sunday. Make sure to set all voting points during saturday.
- Tyre usage in F1 races is the same as in real F1. Drivers are supposed to use both slick compounds or use intermediate or wet tyres at least once. System will check what drivers used 2 laps before end of the race. If system detect that driver only used one tyre type, then he will be forced to use another slick compound. If the system check fails and driver never used both slick tyre compounds, he will be disqualified.
- Fuel will not work like in real F1, refueling during the race is allowed. We have to find additional feature for car attribute changes based on fuel saving. So 100 litres will be used in any track, but we will leave this for later.


by DebiK
Translator: lxfor123
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