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Mai multe informatii despre Formula 1

Mai multe informatii despre Formula 1

Salutare tuturor! Finalul negocierilor pt echipele din F1 se apropie de sfarsit si avem cateva lucruri sa va explicam - despre deadline si ce urmeaza dupa asta, despre numele echipelor din noi, cateva reguli, rating de echipa si tot asa...

Data limita pentru licitatii este 9 Martie 2014 ora 20:00 CET si de data asta nu ne vom muta dupa schimbarile din ultimul minut a ofertei. Asta desigur aduce un risc ofertei tale si te poate scoate afara din top 15 pe parcursul ultimelor minute si nu vei mai avea timp sa reactionezi. Trebuie iti consolidezi oferta depusa inainte de terminarea licitatiilor.

Echipele vor avea un buget de start bazat pe valoarea ofertei. Cea mai buna va fi de 60 si cea lalta de 45 (doar daca este mai buna decat 75% din cea mai mare oferta - in acest caz cea mai slaba echipa va lua acelasi procentaj din 60 de milioane daca valoarea ofrtei va fi comparata cu cea mai mare oferta). Cealalta echipa din mijloc va avea un buget calculat din media celui mai mare buget cu cel mai mic buget, pozitia licitatiei nefiind afectata in nici un fel!

What if your bid dropped out from top 15 in last seconds and you have a plenty of coins left on your account? If you have at least 300 coins invested in unsuccessfull bid, you can contact owners of the top 15 bids (excluding the highest team) to offer them certain amount from your invested coins. If one of the owners agree, both you and him can send a private message to me, DebiK, in english. Owner has to write message that he accepts that certain amount of the coins for his bid, and user has to write message that he offered the certain amount of the coins to the owner and he accepts. User can only offer coins which he wanted to invest to his first team or part of that coins, but minimum is at least 100 coins. Owners can only accept amount of coins after which the full bid will not exceed the highest bid, so the original highest bid will stay the highest. This means that the highest bid will still get the 60M, but all other bids can get bigger budget this way.
The deadline for this is 15th of March 2014

Our goal is to make the competition in Formula 1 fair. There will be some rules for teams behavior. Most important is that we will investigate individually all the contracts between teams and drivers. It would not be acceptable to pay high salary to drivers with no good reason. For example drivers outside of top 50 ranking does not make sense to drive in F1 unless they pay donation to teams and the high salary for them might be considered as cheating. These things will be judged by the creators of the game or in the future by committee created for this purpouse. Punishment for cheating will start with fines to teams or drivers and might lead to rejecting teams for new season or delete drivers or managers fromt he game!

The starting team ratings will depend on the bids too.

The last thing I want to talk about are the team names. Few weeks ago I was talking about using the real F1 team names. Many of you think now that it is forbidden. But that is not true. You can use any team name you want! See other online games in various sports and usage of real team names is allowed everywhere. Nobody can reject the name you want. You don`t have to prove that you have right to use that name, explnations can be simple. Take for example team Scuderia Ferrari. "Scuderia" is usual italian word and means soemthing like "horse stable", and you can say that your friend David Ferrari from Italy allowed you to use his last name for your team. We cannot reject that. We only cannot offer you the official real F1 team names, because we cannot sell what we are not owners of :) Of course if the officials from the real team Scuderia Ferrari contacts us about this topic, we would explain them the situation, and in case they would insist on removing their name from our game we will do it and you will have pick another name.
You still have enough time to change the proposed team names, or you don`t have to do that anyway. During the first week after the auction deadline, I will contact all bid owners to confirm team names, but remember that the higher bid have bigger right for a team name they picked. So even if your bid was with some name, higher bid can take over that name and you would have to pick another!

Good luck in the auction :)

by DebiK
Translator: DoRuF1
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