Sütiket használunk, a játékélmény javítása érdekében, és a forgalmunk analizálására. Információkat is megosztunk arról, hogy hogyan használod az oldalunkat a szociális média, hirdetési és analitikus partnereinkkel.
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Sütiket használunk, a játékélmény javítása érdekében, és a forgalmunk analizálására. Információkat is megosztunk arról, hogy hogyan használod az oldalunkat a szociális média, hirdetési és analitikus partnereinkkel.
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Újság - Private series is greatest tool to help new managers!

Private series is greatest tool to help new managers!

The quietness of the forums and even press releases is that the sponsors of the private series have gone quiet. It seems the worry over something nobody can control Covid 19 has people stop living. We should not be afraid to live. Here even in our own homes we can still race. We have a future MRC has a future.. Take a few dollars a sponsor a private series. Sponsor for your nation.. Advertise in articles. This game is play for free but few dollars we spend for private series races brings joy to everyone in the game. It keep players playing more players means more fun!

Don't be afraid to look foolish or being wrong about what you write here. It is your truth even if you find out your foolish later. That is life. Think back on how foolish your beliefs was when you was younger. Everyone no matter what age is young here! Hell I am 59 years old. You would never believe it in my posts. Who cares! When your unwilling to express yourself you are emotionally dead and your body will soon Follow!

So get out there race. Be proud a bold of who you are! Have some Fun!


2020-09-07 20:12:28, szerző: TerryWilson
Kedvelik: 3 | Pontszám: 4.04

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