Master Procrastinator
Veteran manager Adamski was scripting an apology this morning... to his own driver!?
The reason being that, not for the first time this season, Ray Striver failed to show up for pre-race practice at Bucharestring as the green flag dropped a very s...
dana 2014-09-21 13:56:29 od Adamski
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 9
Bodovi: 12.76)
Mi bienvenida
estoy muy entusiasmado por por disputar mi primera carrera como profesional en esta categoria
dana 2014-09-20 18:14:43 od SamuelTopa
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 1
Bodovi: 0.00)
Visszavonulás és egy új karrier kezdete, 1. rész
Üdvözlöm minden menedzsertársam és minden pilótát!
A tegnapi napon sajnálatos esemény történt! Versenyzőm, Tóth Balázs súlyos balesetet szenvedett az Indy Juniors Dél-Afrikai Nagydíján! Balázs a 19. körben, az élen haladva egyszer csak egy reccsen...
dana 2014-09-20 10:11:12 od Randy22
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 5
Bodovi: 7.97)
Montreal skirmish. Lyn Vos comes in 5th
Lyn has finished 5th in the first Montreal race of the North American series. It's a big result for the Dutch driver who has no better than 8th so far this season. The result has moved her up to 13th in the championship with a window to improve furth...
dana 2014-09-20 03:53:03 od Azureika
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 6
Bodovi: 8.73)
New driver joins Formula 3
Will Plunkett(UK) joins Formula 3. He has karting, Formula BMW, and Formula Renult. Currently the young Brit is currently searching for sponsorship.
dana 2014-09-19 02:27:31 od willbolt17
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 2
Bodovi: 3.32)
Wheeler Retracts
Wheeler gave a statement shortly after his press conference: "In my earlier press conference I incorrectly called Eduardo Diesel, Eduardo Bernie. Forgive my confusion. The Austrian drivers Eduardo Diesel and Andi Bernie are both very strong driv...
dana 2014-09-17 17:40:52 od nwheel
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 1
Bodovi: 1.79)
Wheeler: November Manager is a Hack
In typical Nick Wheeler fashion, the American 2nd-year found his way to a podium in the wake of some controversial trash talking between a couple rookies and Austrian #4/World #104 Eduardo Bernie. Despite the point of the conference being to discuss ...
dana 2014-09-17 17:35:10 od nwheel
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 11
Bodovi: 17.09)
Williams julkaisee uuden KERSin
Williams on saanut valmiiksi ja julkaissut KERS-projektinsa tulokset aikaisin eilen aamulla päämajallaan Helsingissä. Pitkän projektin veti toisen suunnittelutiimin päällikkö Fandy Panggabean. Pienellä rahoituksella Panggabeanin tiimi sai taottua KER...
dana 2014-09-17 10:24:05 od looni
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 5
Bodovi: 7.66)
McLaren - Team News nach 10 Rennen
Hallo zusammen,
nachdem die Hälfte der Saison für McLaren absolviert ist, wird es noch einmal Zeit für ein kleines Zwischenupdate und ein Ausblick auf die nächsten Wochen:
Die Saison bisher
Nach 10 Rennen liegt McLaren auf Platz 5 der Teamwert...
dana 2014-09-17 10:20:06 od messi4h
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 7
Bodovi: 10.21)
McLaren - Team News after 10 races
Hey everyone,
now that half of the season is over it’s time for a quick update on McLaren’s season so far and a quick view on future developments. So let’s get started:
Season so far
After 10 races McLaren is currently 5th in the team standing...
dana 2014-09-17 10:06:22 od messi4h
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 11
Bodovi: 16.60)
The Upcoming Driver to Beat
Stevie Aboagye was watching the news when he came across Eduardo Diesel talking about good, new drivers.
After hearing what Diesel had to say, he laughed.
"This guy thinks he's good? I raced him more than once and beaten him each time. He...
dana 2014-09-17 01:23:40 od dudesteve65
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 7
Bodovi: 7.66)
Williams completes the KERS project
Williams completed and unveiled its new KERS early this morning at the headquarters in Helsinki. The long project was conducted by the second design team leader of Williams, Fandy Panggabean. With low funding Fanggabbeans team managed to hammer 76.1%...
dana 2014-09-16 10:19:54 od looni
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 4
Bodovi: 5.16)
Bem vindos a mais uma edição de WAR FOREVER.De momento Tok está em 9 do campeonato com 25 pontos e Di Rado está em 12 com 6 pontos.Na classificação por equipas a Winsdor Alliance Racing está em 6 com 31 pontos.Mais informações sobre a Winsdor Allianc...
dana 2014-09-15 20:47:13 od Rafarato
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 3
Bodovi: 3.13)
European Tour XXXVI
A série personalizada European Tour XXXVI segue agora para a sua segunda ronda, em Nurburgring. A primeira corrida, em Silverstone, foi dominada da partida à bandeira de xadrez por V. Terkin, embora tenha sido T. Richmond a fazer a volta mais rápida....
dana 2014-09-14 20:16:12 od mikasta
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 5
Bodovi: 4.93)
Všetko najlepšie.
S radosťou vám oznamujem, teda tým ktorí to nevedia, že slovenský jazdec Vili Suchár sa v zdraví dožil svojich 21 nerodenín. :-)
Pôvodne bol plán, že svoje narodky oslávi nejakým viťazstvom, ale opak sa stal pravdou. :-) Vypadnutie za vypadnutím ...
dana 2014-09-14 15:07:59 od vili73
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 6
Bodovi: 8.50)