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Objave - Improving in indy junior

Improving in indy junior

This season, the youngster Pol Ramon enrolled in indy junior series, a difficult challenge, but he wants to overcome it .
Now is in the 14th position when by rating points , it would be the 22nd best in this competition.

After this first third of the season , I decided to go in person to interview and make a review of what happened in the last 6 races :

Good morning !
- Hello, good morning -
[/B]- To begin this interview , I would do a review of these 6 races that have led you to the 14th position[/B]
- Well , it all started as expected, and dare I say better than I thought , Well, was 12th in the race buddh .
In the next race , surfer 's paradise , everything was going esque Maravila and was fighting for the podium from position 3 when a pilot tried to overtake patience without risking too much, excluding me from the race.
In the next two races everything was normal , 17a and 12a position.
Later I was in position 6 , my best result .
And finally I was 13th .
Finally in the race held today I finished in the top 10.
In summary , an abandonment made ​​me lose some seats in the standings , but being my first time in this series I can not complain .
[/B]- Well, what expectations do you have?[/B]
- This season all I will try to gain experience in indy . I'll try to keep me , but the top 15 and improve everything I can.

dana 2014-01-22 21:45:55 od llamp
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 2 | Bodovi: 1.70

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