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Objave - American F3 - Kalembene unhappy with recent races

American F3 - Kalembene unhappy with recent races

Wais Kalembene who is now down to 17th is unhappy with his reliabilty so far. Here are his results:
Austin 1: 4th
Austin 2: DNF Lap 2: Accident, 30th
Mid-Ohio 1: DNF Lap 30: Mechanical, 24th
Mid-Ohio 2: 15th
Denver 1: DNF Lap 41: Spin, 26th
Denver 2: DNF Lap 60: Mechanical, 13th
Sonoma 1: 9th
Sonoma 2: DNF Lap 4: Accident, 27th
Kalembene who finished 3 out of 8 races realized that when he over-succeeds a team objective (kind of), his car dies at the end. he said 'We need to be more realiable for the next couple of races, if we finish more races, the more points we get, the more higher we go and bigger prize money comes. Kalembene lost like 43 points and a possible win in Denver 2 and he would've been like 6th or 7th in standings. He is targeting 10th and 8th places for Belle Isle races.

dana 2014-01-22 16:30:17 od ThatFPM8Guy
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 1 | Bodovi: 1.05

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