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Objave - B15 Racing Club 3 time winner!

B15 Racing Club 3 time winner!

This team was started at season 14, firstly just in season series there was some drivers with the similar liveries... And now we are officially the first club who defended a title and we won 3 of the first 4 Club Series.

In 2015, the team was started with the name "BOMBA! Racing", like the Red Bull Racing these days, an energy drink team in the racing world. After 10 seasons I changed the name for "Nono Racing" after my little sister.

That was in 2017, since then now she is playing this game and watching "races" with my F1 fan mother. :) In 2020 I decided to change the team's name for something closer to me, because a lot of users belived the team is Nonó's, so in 2020, after my birthday I changed the team's name for B15 Racing.

You can find all our history at our official webpage:

The name can mean a several thing. "B" is for Budapest, Boczy, "15" is the year 2015 when the team was started and my all-time favorite jersey number in sports.

I have a very long period in my life, when I played team sports (mostly football and floorball), that's why our logo is looking like this and that's why the stars after every championship winning. :)

I just want to say, I'm very happy and glad to have this team finally in an official form in this game. What is most make me happy, there are very good drivers and nice people in the club.

I don't know how many time we'll we have opportunity to win the Club Series, but I will satisfied every time when we finish in the top 5 or better place at the end of the season.

Keep pushin' B15!

dana 2023-04-24 23:16:00 od Boczy
Broj osoba kojima se sviđa: 13 | Bodovi: 22.97

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