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IGRAJTEO NamaBlogUvjeti pruzanja uslugeIzjava o privatnosti

MyRacingCareer Novosti

Nove staze i nova natjecanja! Pozdrav momci, danas imamo vijesti o novim trkačkim stazama koje će biti predstavljene na My Racing Career u ne tako dalekoj budućnosti isti kao i vijest o natjecanju KOJE NE ŽELITE PROPUSTITI!!
Hrvatski Hrvatski @ 2014-10-03
Nova metoda plaćanja: Skrill Pozdrav momci, danas vam ukratko želim reći o Skrill-u, online vrsta plaćanja koju smo nedugo dodali kao novu opciju za vas da dobite Superlicences i Kovanice!
Hrvatski Hrvatski @ 2014-09-26
News About Development 2014-09-23 Hi guys! We have been quiet about development for a month. However it doesn't mean that we have stopped working with new features. So this time we have many new things to share with you.
English English @ 2014-09-22
Back to Work! Hi mates! DebiK is back from the honeymoon and we are ready to work! This time we have many of things to announce about Formula 1, especially read carefully news about Formula 1 engines. Everybody should read news about new rule.
English English @ 2014-08-20
Season 10 is coming! Wow guys! It's already season 10 and personally i feel like we just started. Many of you guys have been with us since begin and many new guys have joined to us. We really appreciate all of our players and especially those who are supporting us.
English English @ 2014-07-27
New Auctions for F1 Team Shares Hey, you know that teams were able to issue new shares for their teams. The original owners had the first possibility to purchase those shares, and there are few shares left which are now placed on auction. You can purchase them! There is also some other info in the article about F1.
English English @ 2014-07-17
New F1 Team Investors (season 9) To all F1 team owners! Read this article carefully, so there will not be any troubles later. Article explains detailed how to proceed with issuing new team shares and what to do with them.
English English @ 2014-07-08
New F1 team investors to come! This time I have lot of new info for you! You probably havent heard yet, but we have special prize for F1 Champion and there is also some more info about F1. We have some new private cars in the game and also a new training for motorcycle drivers is now available. Read more inside article!
English English @ 2014-07-03
We Need Your Help! This time it is nothing about the latest development. This time we kindly ak you to help us to make this game better for the future. Please read!
English English @ 2014-06-12
Join to MRC FIFA World Cup Fantasy League! Hi folks! We would like to inform you that MRC and Dhawan have started fantasy soccer league to MRC players only. Join now and win some prizes!
English English @ 2014-06-11
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