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MyRacingCareer Novosti

Formula 1: Brza promijena pravila! Samo vas želimo obavijestiti da od ovog trenutka, napuštanje kluba obožavatelja Formula 1 momčadi je moguća samo nakon više od 20 dana! Ne odmah ili nakon par dana od pridruženja. Obnašnjenje unutar članka!
Hrvatski Hrvatski @ 2017-06-17
Igra godine! Zahvaljujući vama menedžerima!
Hrvatski Hrvatski @ 2017-05-22
Kraj 22 sezone Ovdje smo na kraju 22 sezone!
Hrvatski Hrvatski @ 2017-05-01
Last Changes in Track Knowledge After last series of comments to the system of track knowledge gained from Racing Simulator and track experience we came up by last changes in the system to make it fair to everybody. We also will do some more changes in F1 next season and all information about that is also inside this article. As a result it also affects racing in all cars not just F1.
English English @ 2017-04-22
Changes in Racing Simulator Based on your comments and hints we did some changes in the system especially in track experience knowledge. Please read carefully and we wait for your further ideas.
English English @ 2017-04-12
Introducing Racing Simulator Training Hello everybody. I would like to announce that today we launched new screen in the game, and that is Racing Simulator on the Training page. We already gave some hint that this is comming, and now th time is here. But be aware that this is just a testing phase where you can get the feeling of how it works and at the end of the season all tack knowledge will be erased. Current track knowledge will have no influence on results, it all will start with the begining of new season.
English English @ 2017-03-18
MRC Blog Manager Needed! Hello everybody! We are searching for more MRC team members all the time, but this time it is something special. We need a person who will take care of our blog. It is important part of our promotion and can attract new managers too. Read article for detailed information about what are the requirements.
English English @ 2017-02-27
New Cars! The MRC Team loves you managers so much, They decided to add four new cars to the game!
English English @ 2017-02-20
F&L Creative Games Network Where are the changes to the game proposed before last season? We actually started to prepare functionality to create another game and finalization fo that took too much time, therefore driver knowledge of tracks, rally events or clans are not yet developed. We also did some changes in Terms of service.
English English @ 2017-02-19
F1 manual changes! There have been new changes in the F1 manual.
English English @ 2017-02-09
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