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设计挑战 #64 WIP

设计挑战 #64 WIP


 设计挑战 #64 WIP

第六十三回合的结果 - 六月 2023

1. 冠军 - johnrafael (巴西) - 10个点赞 - McLaren
Check this design!
收到 200 金币 和 稀有私家赛车 + 荣誉 到用户简介

2. EduardoPereira (巴西) - 15个点赞 - 100 years of Le Mans *
Check this design!
收到 100 金币。

3. Toxykoff (比利时) - 5个点赞 - Jaguar
Check this design!
收到 50 金币。

* = EduardoPereira 收到更多的投票但因为 "Boczy rule",所以 wasn't eligible for the win。

第六十四回合 - 七月 2023

7月7日是世界巧克力日. Many people around the world love this brown pleasure, and the brief is simple: create a livery with either chocolate or a brand related to chocolate.

To participate you have to paint your car, helmet and livery with the requested theme in the game, then click on the share button on the garage screen which will generate image with all 3 items and and you have to share that.

If you want to participate you need to generate your share image and publish it as a COMMENT on the relevant post in Facebook which you'll find HERE.
Winner will be decided by number of likes on the comment.

1. 特殊比赛荣誉 到用户简介,稀有私家赛车 和 200 金币
2. 100 金币
3. 50 金币

Rules reminder - click here.

by JordiMontané
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