प्रेस प्रकाशनी
Formula 3 Polish Series: narodziny nowego Dominatora?
Za nami półmetek sezonu w polskiej serii Formuły 3! Jak zapewne się domyślacie - nadszedł czas na małe podsumowanie.
Na samym początku spójrzmy jednak na listę kierowców, bo tutaj mamy małą ciekawostkę - choć jest to polska seria Formuły 3, daje s...
on 2013-03-24 18:55:30 by Viper
पसंद: 7
रेटिंग: 8.84)
Interview with Vanderpuije in the Formula 3 Africa Series
At the half way point to the season, we take a look at how Dante Vanderpuije has been doing in the F3 Africa Series.
Q: First of all you used to go by Imperius, you're now called Dante. What inspired the change?
Dante Vanderpuije: Well, I decided...
on 2013-03-24 15:11:09 by daftkrft
पसंद: 6
रेटिंग: 6.97)
Lucky Racing XI
Mladý devätnásť ročný Peter Veselovský sa plánuje zúčastniť Lucky Racing XI... Touto tlačovou správou vyzýva všetkých pretekárov o duel... Veľmi rád sa stretne s každým... Nech vyhrá ten najlepší!!! :D
on 2013-03-24 14:05:30 by galaxygil2884
पसंद: 1
रेटिंग: 1.38)
Premiere Oval Series (Fontana)
M.Sulakari on nyt Premiere Oval Seriesissä.
Fontanan kilpailussa meni uskomattoman hyvin.
Aika-ajoissa tuli keskeytys, joten lähtö oli sijalta 31. Kymmenen kierroksen jälkeen M.Sulakari oli noussut sijalle 26 ja turva-auto oli tullut randalle.
on 2013-03-24 11:12:43 by Aterminator
पसंद: 6
रेटिंग: 6.31)
e vai con la sigla...
da cantarsi sulla base di Ken il Guerriero.
autore: Spectra, anno: 1986.
versione karaoke senza testo:
www.youtube.... mai, scorderai l'attimo,
la bandiera che sventolò.
La folla si incendiò,
e poi boato.
E i meccanici nella postazione dentr...
on 2013-03-24 11:06:19 by sandrez
पसंद: 2
रेटिंग: 3.58)
i want a match
as you can see we are both rookie so want a match with him
on 2013-03-23 10:52:15 by neverhahaha
पसंद: 1
रेटिंग: 0.18)
Alan Greene records 1st win
After 3 years American Alan Greene finally notched a win on the streets of Denver and doing so in front of his hometown fans.
Greene was quoted in the Denver Post as saying "This feels great but there's not much time to celebrate the series ...
on 2013-03-23 05:48:41 by Greene
पसंद: 3
रेटिंग: 4.74)
Náš jazdec
Jazdec zo Slovenska Peter Veselovský sa zúčastnil série Copa Sudamericana XVII. Zo začiatku to vyzeralo veľmi dobre... ale ku koncu to bolo čoraz horšie. Nakoniec sa tento 19 ročný mladík umiestnil na 18. mieste. Prajem viac šťastia do ďalších pretek...
on 2013-03-22 15:16:38 by galaxygil2884
पसंद: 2
रेटिंग: 3.17)
Di Zoom begins Anew!
Adam Di Zoom returns after 2 seasons to start his racing career again. He originally retired to spend more time with his family but with his son growing up, he needs a professional career. He will have to try and succeed again and use his experience ...
on 2013-03-21 17:04:57 by Kingofwolves
पसंद: 1
रेटिंग: 1.79)
Wielki progres
Trochę ponad miesiąc temu ruszył kolejny, 3. sezon w MyRacingCareer. Nic nie zapowiadało, że będzie on przełomowy dla młodego i gniewnego naturalizowanego kierowcy z Polski, Jurka Ide.
Dzięki wsparciu sponsorów, ten 24-latek mógł wystartować w now...
on 2013-03-21 01:27:55 by Diglize
पसंद: 3
रेटिंग: 4.68)
Cunningham begins his first adventure
Mark Cunningham has started his racing career, however a lot of things need to fall into place for him to succeed in a very tough market where a driver can succeed or disappear without notice..
The first thing Mark has signed himself up to would b...
on 2013-03-20 19:49:38 by Xentas
पसंद: 6
रेटिंग: 3.46)
Jauns braucējs!
Sveiciens viesiem Latviešiem šajā spēlē. Es ar lielu prieku vēlos paziņot to, ka mūsu vidū ir jauns braucējs:
Matīss Jaunzems.
Es, kā viņa menedžeris ceru, ka viņam izdosies sasniegt savu mērķi un visās sacensībās sevi atdot par 120%. Šodien viņa...
on 2013-03-20 14:59:30 by MDK321
पसंद: 6
रेटिंग: 6.66)
Composed season so far from Calum Lockie
Result's are the be all and end all of a racing career.
Calum Lockie has strung together some impressive performances in his debut season. Only 14 races in and he already has achieved two podiums including one outright win. In addition two further t...
on 2013-03-20 10:11:57 by Aurumest
पसंद: 0
रेटिंग: 0.00)
Débuts difficiles pour Duforest à Kursk
Michaël Duforest était engagé pour la première fois en Formule 3 lors de la course disputée à Kursk en Russie. Le pilote belge a malheureusement dû abandonner dès le deuxième tour, en proie à des problèmes de survirage.
"Je ne comprends pas,...
on 2013-03-19 16:03:10 by michael66
पसंद: 3
रेटिंग: 5.14)
Dobrý výsledek zhatila převodovka.
První závod Fernanda Alonsa v sérii European Tour XVI vypadal nadějně, český jezdec okupoval 7.příčku, jenže těsně před koncem závodu mu vypověděla převodovka a musel odstavit svůj vůz vedle trati.
„Před sezonou jsme nečekali, že budeme tak rychlí, ...
on 2013-03-19 15:48:55 by basky9
पसंद: 3
रेटिंग: 3.57)