प्रेस प्रकाशनी
Glasajte za mene
Ako će te glasati za mene riješit ću sve probleme u savezu i više neće biti lošeg vođenja i u svemu će nam pomoći moj podpredsjednik i jedan od glavnih u savezu i glasajte za mene jer sam ja jedini aktivan kandidat dok daniel nije skoro nikad aktivan
on 2019-11-04 15:04:04 by cucak11
पसंद: 1
रेटिंग: 1.20)
Classificação após 16/16 corridas
1º Asdrubal Pinto, 277
2º Alex Reis, 258
3º Rafael Drummond, 256
4º Juca Macieira II, 248.5
5º Luiz Thomazini, 245
6º Bruno Correa, 238
7º Roger Relâmpago, 233
8º Emerson Tutu II, 195.5
9º Karina Sette, 176.5
10º Bernardo Reckziegel, 164.5 *...
on 2019-11-04 14:33:04 by jeansapia
पसंद: 2
रेटिंग: 3.85)
Pohár národů S34 9.týden - "Ještě zabojujeme!"
No aktuálně jsme na šestém místě. Dobré časy a zlé časy se střídaly, teď máme období to horší, ale snad jen krátkodobě.
Když tak počítám, není nemožné se dostat až na třetí místo, ale není nemožné spadnout až na 10.místo. Ano tolik bodů je ještě v...
on 2019-11-04 11:49:20 by Ludwei
पसंद: 8
रेटिंग: 14.98)
Azem Investments Purchase Mercedes Stock
Young driver Herluin Azem may have just gained valuable insight into the inner workings of an F1 team, as his hedge fund, Azem Investments, purchased 3.2% of Mercedes AMG F1 last week. Azem comes from inherited wealth and must be hoping that this mov...
on 2019-11-04 11:16:11 by Kava13
पसंद: 5
रेटिंग: 8.05)
Srbi su nepravedni
Zatvorena je željezna zavjesa među hrv i srb i od sad smo u neprijateljskim odnosima
on 2019-11-04 09:52:32 by cucak11
पसंद: 1
रेटिंग: 1.20)
Big Protest
they went out into the streets wrestling looking for the F3 series and they announced strikes and riders angry about having to drive in other countries and everybody wants their series back and everybody wants their series back and that's an angry mo...
on 2019-11-03 21:26:53 by cucak11
पसंद: 2
रेटिंग: 3.15)
BREAKING NEWS : Lucas de Saint-Germain remporte sa quatrième couronne mondiale en F1
Après une sixième victoire obtenue lors du GP du Mexique, Lucas de Saint-Germain remporte sa quatrième couronne mondiale en F1.
Lucas dispose en effet à présent de 55 points d'avance sur son rival direct alors qu'il ne reste plus que deux grands pri...
on 2019-11-03 21:07:03 by JordanF1
पसंद: 8
रेटिंग: 14.79)
Ljudi su tražili komunizam
Ljudi su izglasali komunizam i mi surađujemo sa RB da bi bolje voodili reprezentaciju pod komunizmom
on 2019-11-03 15:14:08 by cucak11
पसंद: 1
रेटिंग: 1.17)
Ljudi su tražili komunizam
Svi su tražili komunizam a mi surađujemo sa red bull-om koji nas podržava pa glasajte za mene i bit će bolji savez.
on 2019-11-03 15:07:55 by cucak11
पसंद: 1
रेटिंग: 1.17)
El dilema
A falta de dos carreras para terminar la temporada, Marc Montané aún no sabe dónde correrá la temporada que viene. El piloto catalán prácticamente ha igualado los resultados de la temporada anterior en las Indy Series pero el no haber ganado ninguna ...
on 2019-11-03 12:59:54 by JordiMontané
पसंद: 6
रेटिंग: 10.32)
El dilema
A falta de dues curses per acabar la temporada, Marc Montané encara no sap on correrà la temporada que ve. El pilot català ha pràcticament igualat els resultats de la temporada passada a les Indy Series però la falta d'una victòria i quatre abandonam...
on 2019-11-03 12:51:18 by JordiMontané
पसंद: 3
रेटिंग: 5.70)
Stephens Sets Sights on F3 USA
mach5 spent an extended time away from his career of managing racecar drivers after his last driver, Bubba Wheelhouse, abruptly called quits on his racing career to focus more on his personal goal of becoming a world-renowned guitarist. However, he c...
on 2019-11-01 23:23:45 by mach5
पसंद: 3
रेटिंग: 5.26)
Formula 1: attacco al potere
Da molte stagioni gli dei della Formula 1 che si sono contesi campionato piloti e costruttori sono stati Red Bull e McLaren. Dotati di risorse finanziarie esorbitanti e di lunghissima esperienza (leggi Saint-Germain per Red Bull e Rocco Rapido per Mc...
on 2019-11-01 10:58:46 by maxodent
पसंद: 7
रेटिंग: 12.79)
15-way series Duitsland en Nederland
We zijn over de helft. Nu de Races in Duitsland en Nederland verreden zijn hebben we er nog 8 van de 20 te gaan.
In Duitsland presteerde het Nederlandse team heel sterk en kwamen ze aan kop in de tussenstand.
Helaas waren de thuisraces wat minder...
on 2019-11-01 08:02:45 by Pollie
पसंद: 3
रेटिंग: 5.37)
Time to go!
Kyle Peters has taken the decision to retire at the end of the current season. He has cited the fact that he has not full filled his goals and has not risen to the heights expected when a junior. He is leaving with a heavy heart and thanks all his fa...
on 2019-11-01 00:04:10 by paulb67
पसंद: 4
रेटिंग: 7.56)